Crashes with ISS and 32K VT's

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Fenerit M
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Re: Crashes with ISS and 32K VT's

Post #21by Fenerit » 04.06.2012, 23:09

Sorry, maybe I misunderstood a texture's shift with a location's shift....
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Re: Crashes with ISS and 32K VT's

Post #22by Chuft-Captain » 06.06.2012, 12:34

selden wrote:msvc90.dll is the redistributable C language runtime library for Microsoft Visual C v9.0. I.e. Microsoft allows it to be included with any program compiled using that version of their compiler. The varying dates on copies of it just mean that whoever built the software that it accompanies happened to copy the file without preserving its creation date stamp.
Interestingly though, some of these are different sizes. eg. 612kb cf. 641kb

selden wrote:When watching Celestia's memory usage, you need to look at the size of Celestia itself, not your system's total memory usage. 32-bit applications like Celestia usually fail when their memory usage exceeds 2GB. That's when address pointers use the sign bit and cause problems for code which (inappropriately) uses signed arithmetic.
I have read somewhere that when running a 32bit app. in a 64bit OS, the 2GB ceiling no longer applies. Instead, it has access to the full 4GB address space. Obviously, this is still not as good as the many terabytes potentially available to a 64bit native program.

My intention was simply to try a smaller VT as I believe this problem to be as a result of max'ing out the VRAM (as Selden suggested).
Sure enough visiting IO with it's 8K (rather than 32K) texture caused no problems.

I did however (as a result of your suggestion) decide to give IO a copy of Earth's atmosphere complete with 16K clouds, again with no issues, so it doesn't appear to have any association with transparency.

My iGPU is limited to 1696 MB total, and each time it crashes is when Celestia's memory usage (in Task manager) reaches/approaches 1700 MB, so this does appear to be the issue.
I don't know yet whether it is possible to make more RAM available to this iGPU, but that may be an option (if it is possible).

Obviously, the ideal solution would be for Celestia to manage it's use of VRAM/RAM by garbage collecting memory allocated to previously loaded, but no-longer required tiles.
Don't know what sort of priority this feature holds in the DEV's eyes.

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Fenerit M
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Re: Crashes with ISS and 32K VT's

Post #23by Fenerit » 06.06.2012, 13:58

Chuft-Captain wrote:My iGPU is limited to 1696 MB total, and each time it crashes is when Celestia's memory usage (in Task manager) reaches/approaches 1700 MB, so this does appear to be the issue.
Another thing then kick me off: is the system pagefile ("pagefile.sys") great enough in size to not be confined just to the main OS's routines? There is reserved space into it? At least you should see freezes, but not crashes until full again.
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