spice2xyzv.exe error: "SPK type 21 unsupported"
spice2xyzv.exe error: "SPK type 21 unsupported"
Where can I download the Windows binaries for spice2xyzv?
Last edited by EarthMoon on 10.10.2022, 18:12, edited 4 times in total.
Crew: "We are orbiting a black hole."
Control Center: "Do not fly too close to the black hole!"
Crew: "OH OOPS..."
Celestia versions:
1.6.3, 1.7.0 sRGB, 1.6.1 ED (plain)
Current projects:
Celestial (a Celestia-like program written in Python)
Control Center: "Do not fly too close to the black hole!"
Crew: "OH OOPS..."
Celestia versions:
1.6.3, 1.7.0 sRGB, 1.6.1 ED (plain)
Current projects:
Celestial (a Celestia-like program written in Python)
The Wayback Machine has an archived copy, which can be directly downloaded from http://web.archive.org/web/20120426100524/http:// ... /celestia/files/spice2xyzv.zip
speaking of this, I really should get to finish some of my trajectory conversions...
speaking of this, I really should get to finish some of my trajectory conversions...
The tool's readme can be found along its source code on Celestia's GitHub repository. There's also some example config files, and a leap second kernel to be put within the same directory as the binary.
Error: SPK type 21 not supported
I did everything the readme.txt says. It now gives me an error when I try to run a test (with comet 81P/Wild 2) 
Celestia's log also shows the error "SPK 21 not supported" when I try to run the .bsp file with Celestia.
SPICE .bsp file source: Generated with JPL's Horizons system
Config .cfg file source: Self-made
Output .xyzv (failed) source: spice2xyzv.exe
Here the files that I'm trying to run (Spice kernel, config & failed output):

Code: Select all
Toolkit version: N0060
SPK type 21 is not supported in your version of the SPICE library. You will
need to upgrade your version of the library to make use of ephemerides that
contain this SPK data type.
A traceback follows. The name of the highest level module is first.
spkgeo_c --> SPKGEO --> SPKPVN
Oh, by the way: The SPICELIB error handling actions are USER-TAILORABLE. You
can choose whether the Toolkit aborts or continues when errors occur, which
error messages to output, and where to send the output. Please read the ERROR
"Required Reading" file, or see the routines ERRACT, ERRDEV, and ERRPRT.
Celestia's log also shows the error "SPK 21 not supported" when I try to run the .bsp file with Celestia.
SPICE .bsp file source: Generated with JPL's Horizons system
Config .cfg file source: Self-made
Output .xyzv (failed) source: spice2xyzv.exe
Here the files that I'm trying to run (Spice kernel, config & failed output):
Crew: "We are orbiting a black hole."
Control Center: "Do not fly too close to the black hole!"
Crew: "OH OOPS..."
Celestia versions:
1.6.3, 1.7.0 sRGB, 1.6.1 ED (plain)
Current projects:
Celestial (a Celestia-like program written in Python)
Control Center: "Do not fly too close to the black hole!"
Crew: "OH OOPS..."
Celestia versions:
1.6.3, 1.7.0 sRGB, 1.6.1 ED (plain)
Current projects:
Celestial (a Celestia-like program written in Python)
I can indeed reproduce this error using the files you provided (which is news for me since I've never used .bsp files from Horizons before). One solution might be to use a newer version of spice2xyzv. There's an archived copy of the Bintray files which were once used to distribute Celestia builds and such, it can be found here. Look for one of the celestia-tools packages (either win32 or win64) and then for the matching celestia-bin package, which contains Spice.dll, needed to run this newer version.
The resulting output then is:
We're going to need a kernel that includes data for the Sun, such as de440s.bsp from here, After editing the .cfg file to refer to it, also changing the observer to 10 (Sun), the result is a fully working .xyzv file.
The resulting output then is:
Code: Select all
Toolkit version: N0065
Insufficient ephemeris data has been loaded to compute the state of 1000107
(WILD 2) relative to 0 (SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER) at the ephemeris epoch 2004
DEC 25 02:01:04.182.
A traceback follows. The name of the highest level module is first.
spkgeo_c --> SPKGEO
Oh, by the way: The SPICELIB error handling actions are USER-TAILORABLE. You
can choose whether the Toolkit aborts or continues when errors occur, which
error messages to output, and where to send the output. Please read the ERROR
"Required Reading" file, or see the routines ERRACT, ERRDEV, and ERRPRT.
We're going to need a kernel that includes data for the Sun, such as de440s.bsp from here, After editing the .cfg file to refer to it, also changing the observer to 10 (Sun), the result is a fully working .xyzv file.

I did what you said, but now it gives this error:
I don't have the spice2xyzv in "C:/Program Files/celestia/share/celestia/spice2xyzv.exe", but it looks there for an naif0012.tls, but the .tls is in the same directoy as spice2xyzv.exe ("D:/Celestia161/_Others/Apps/spice2xyzv/naif0012.tls". How can I fix the issue without moving the files to "C:/Program Files/..." and without hacking the .exe file?
Code: Select all
Toolkit version: N0065
The attempt to load "C:/Program Files/celestia/share/celestia/naif0012.tls"
by the routine FURNSH failed. It could not be located.
A traceback follows. The name of the highest level module is first.
furnsh_c --> FURNSH --> ZZLDKER
Oh, by the way: The SPICELIB error handling actions are USER-TAILORABLE. You
can choose whether the Toolkit aborts or continues when errors occur, which
error messages to output, and where to send the output. Please read the ERROR
"Required Reading" file, or see the routines ERRACT, ERRDEV, and ERRPRT.
I don't have the spice2xyzv in "C:/Program Files/celestia/share/celestia/spice2xyzv.exe", but it looks there for an naif0012.tls, but the .tls is in the same directoy as spice2xyzv.exe ("D:/Celestia161/_Others/Apps/spice2xyzv/naif0012.tls". How can I fix the issue without moving the files to "C:/Program Files/..." and without hacking the .exe file?
Crew: "We are orbiting a black hole."
Control Center: "Do not fly too close to the black hole!"
Crew: "OH OOPS..."
Celestia versions:
1.6.3, 1.7.0 sRGB, 1.6.1 ED (plain)
Current projects:
Celestial (a Celestia-like program written in Python)
Control Center: "Do not fly too close to the black hole!"
Crew: "OH OOPS..."
Celestia versions:
1.6.3, 1.7.0 sRGB, 1.6.1 ED (plain)
Current projects:
Celestial (a Celestia-like program written in Python)