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SSC Generator loading incorrectly

Posted: 05.08.2012, 19:45
by PlutonianEmpire
For a while now, every time I load or refresh the browser-based SSC generator from Rassilon that I tweaked, I see weird text in the field entry boxes that shouldn't be there.


Could it be a typo in the html file that causes the weird text to appear?

Re: SSC Generator loading incorrectly

Posted: 05.08.2012, 21:05
by John Van Vliet
--- edit ---

Re: SSC Generator loading incorrectly

Posted: 05.08.2012, 21:11
by PlutonianEmpire
Oops. I worded it incorrectly. I was referring to the weird text that shows up in every single field when loading it. Hitting the reset button makes them go away, but only until refreshing the page (F5), or closing it then reloading it later.