Mulapin system (the clickbait troll system)

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Mulapin system (the clickbait troll system)

Post #1by Mavka » 24.02.2024, 22:16

As an astronomy major, I had an idea of making a planetary system of every single popsci headline about exoplanet discoveries. After being accustomed to the field for a while, you really gain the ability to see through that, and at some point it just becomes funny.

The star was named on the Celestia discord.

I have updated the name because it seems there's quite a big copyright / patent thingy when it comes to the term "Nemesis system", so I decided to name the star instead after a Babylonian archaeological tablet MUL.APIN. I just replaced the title, other than that nothing changed to the addon.

Planets in order from the star:

1. Diamond planet (counterpart of 55 Cnc e)
2. Planet with rains of molten glass (counterpart of HD 189733 b)
3. Planet with literal hot ice (counterpart of Gliese 436 b)
4. Planet with Venusian, hell-like atmosphere and reflective clouds of thiomersal and mercury (counterpart of LTT 9779 b)
5. Planet with clouds of serotonin (counterpart of Mu Arae c)
6. Planet with oceans of dopamine (counterpart of TOI-849 b)
7. Superhabitable planet (Fully original)
8. Tea planet (Fully original) - kudos also to whoever used tea texture for real 55 Cnc e in their addon for giving me that idea
9. Eyeball planet (counterpart of TRAPPIST-1f)
10. Alcohol planet (fully original)
11. Laughing gas planet (original, close to HD 149026 b)
12. Fart gas planet (counterpart of Uranus)
13. Superdense planet with rings of gold (counterpart of Kepler-131 c and J1407 b)
14. Laundry detergent planet (original, close to 55 Cnc f)
15. Neptune but dark blue
16. A copy of OGLE-2005-BLG-390L b

It was a lot harder to come up with colder planets than hotter ones because cold planets have large orbital periods and are harder to find due to longer observation arcs needed (heck, the whole exoplanet science itself has only been around for 1 Saturn orbit, so Uranus and Neptune are kinda off limit). So not a lot of potential to write clickbait about them and I had to improvise.

Edit: I was told that Mass<kg> does not work in 1.6 and lower, so I put up another version of the addon for versions below 1.7
Mulapin (1.6).zip
(111.58 MiB) Downloaded 82 times
(111.38 MiB) Downloaded 266 times
Nemesis system.png

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