There are three versions available:
1. Contains only asteroids
2. Contains only comets
3. ca. 3/4 of the objects are comets, the rest are asteroids
Choose the one that best suits your needs

Important: Don't use two or more versions of this addon at once since the names of the objects might conflict/collide.
Screenshot of the whole cloud of objects (comets-only version, the other versions look similar)
Orbit/body characteristics:
Semi-major axes: 10,000 AU ... 10,000 AU
Eccentricity: 0 ... 0.75
Inclinations, longitudes of ascending nodes, arguments of pericenters, mean anomalies: 0° ... 360°
Objects' radii: 0.1 km ... 25 km
Note: Objects with the same number don't have same orbits and radii in different versions, so the orbit of e.g. Oort 1 in the comets-only version is different than in the other versions.
All three versions are inside the .zip, extract it to a temporary folder or open it and copy one version into the /extras/ folder of Celestia.