Sunlen, a fictional planetary system in the Pleiades

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Sunlen, a fictional planetary system in the Pleiades

Post #1by SpaceExplorer » 21.03.2023, 23:43

380 light-years away from Earth, in the vicinity of Messier 45 (Pleiades), is a star G2V, known as Sunlen. It is a star that is nearly identical in size, mass, and luminosity to that of the Sun. Around it, there are 10 planets. One of them, Terranion, a world almost identical to Earth (ESI 0.98) is home to a Type 0 alien civilization, but it is estimated that it will become Type 1 within 30 Terranion years. The entire Sunlen system bears similarities to our Solar System. Planets, dwarf planets, moons, centaurs as well as some asteroids and comets are familiar. There are a total of 185 objects to explore!


The installation method is quite easy:

1) Download the "Sunlen" zip near the end of the post.

2) Then download all asteroid cmod models from the following topic: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=20402&p=150465&hilit=Astra#p150465 (except bun.cmod and wedge.cmod), which are not used in the addon.

3) Unzip the Sunlen zip, take the downloaded models and drop them into Sunlen's "models" folder.

4) Once all this is done, just send the whole "Sunlen" folder to Celestia's extras folder and that's it!


- I had made a topic showing the development. But note that some things that were shown there needed to be changed later.

- There is a possibility that I will later make ssc updates adding new asteroids and comets.

- Barycenters of object binary systems are not simulated.


- Night texture and atmospheric parameters of Terranion by TheLostProbe. Thanks!

- 3D asteroid models, created by Astra/Snowfall and converted to cmod by LukeCEL and fyr02.

- Models asteroid-large.cmod, asteroid-small.cmod and contact-binary.cmod are from Celestia Origin.

Below, download link and a small sample showing the 10 planets created in the Sunlen system.

Enjoy! :smile:
(50.75 MiB) Downloaded 524 times
Merkuion, Venion, Terranion and Marsion
Jupion, Satunion, Uranion and Neptunion
Lission and Persenion

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