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Slushball Earth

Posted: 14.03.2023, 21:54
by ParticleGrasp
An old add-on from 2015 which was never submitted to the Motherlode site. I hope you find it worthwhile.


This Add-on is based upon the an alternative hypothesis developed by American geologist Richard Cowen to the disputed theory of Global Glaciation or "Snowball Earth". It is also known as the "Sturtian glaciation". The Sturtian glaciation persisted from 750 million years ago to 700 Mya.

Unlike the iconic "Snowball Earth" by Neethis, this add-on uses the continents approximately 750 Mya. As suggested by the theory, the entire Earth is not covered in ice; rather, there are patches of open ocean and some areas of thin ice sheets, especially around the Equator.

I also modified the orbital parameters for a 22 hour day and 400 day year as put forth in the Australian documentary "SNOWBALL EARTH".

More information can be found in the readme.txt file. Also some of the reference files and images are included in the documentation folder for your review.

This add-on replaces the current Earth textures, clouds and orbital parameters. If you like the Earth as is, delete the Replace section and uncomment the AltSurface section in SlushballEarth.ssc
