Nibiru - Ten Years Later

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Topic author
Gurren Lagann
Posts: 434
Joined: 31.01.2018
Age: 18
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Location: State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Nibiru - Ten Years Later

Post #1by Gurren Lagann » 21.12.2022, 19:41

Ten Years
The (fictional) planet.

Nibiru. Planet X. Hercolubus. Many names have been used for the The Doomsday Planet. And today marks ten years to the day Nibiru was supposed to wreck Earth over. Again.
Happy Birthday to Nibiru, our red glowing eerie ball of gas that never really was!

The addon itself.
(8.94 MiB) Downloaded 390 times
"The tomorrow we're trying to reach is not a tomorrow you had decided on!"
- Simon the Digger
"Nothing is impossible for me, as long I'm determinated to keep moving forward!"
"If other people aren't going to do it, I'm going to do it myself!"
- Me (Gurren)

Current major projects:
- Aur Cir
- Cel+
- Project Sisyphus
- Populating the Local Group
- An galaxy generator

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