You will be exploring some of the strangest known systems in the Milky Way galaxy.
you will start off with the 8 strange worlds of Kepler-90
Destination here
then you will head to Erebus (TrES-2 Ab), the planet with the lowest albedo known
Destination here
3rd destination will be 40 Eridani A b, a planet that was "disproven" than bright back from the dead by a forum member (Gurren)

Destination here
this one does not need tom's catalog, it will work on its own (as long the stars are in celestia for you)
4th destination will be HD 80606 b, a planet that has a comet-like orbit
Destination here
5th destination will be HD 106906 b, a planet that is glowing orange hot despite being in a far out orbit
Destination here
6th destination will be HD 189733 Ab, the hell planet with weather so bad even the planet's hot spot location seems wrong
Destination here
7th destination will be Dimidium, first planet discovered around a sun-like star
Destination here
This seems to be the end of our journey so far

NOTE: these addons requires TOM's exoplanet catalog unless stated otherwise
download to exoplanet catalog is here (this is updated nearly every month) viewtopic.php?f=23&t=18705