Distant, hidden massive stars, clusters and H II regions

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Trolligi 112477
Posts: 280
Joined: 18.04.2020
Age: 17
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Distant, hidden massive stars, clusters and H II regions

Post #1by Trolligi 112477 » 25.12.2021, 17:27

Distant, hidden massive stars, clusters and H II regions (or DHMSA-CHIIR) is a big addon that I have been working on for the last 5 months (with a bit of help from Gurren Lagann and The Minmus Derp). It adds a lot of star clusters and H II regions, as well as many massive stars in the Milky Way. Most of these stars are heavily reddened, and the effect was achieved with the Extinction parameter, which is only available in 1.7.0. Therefore, the addon is best enjoyed on 1.7.0.

This very large addon is the result of 5 months of constantly reading science papers (cumulatively, probably about 10,000) and hundreds of hours on notepad++. After this, I might take a short break, but I will probably be posting more smaller addons on my main addons thread.


An updated version of the WR catalog, with updated distances and parameters for some of the WRs for DHMSA-CHIIR. Some of them have extinction values, some don't yet. I will finish the extinction parameters soon. (This is necessary for the addon to function properly, so if you download the addon you need to download this as well)
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