Toutatis (not the forum user! the asteroid)
Posted: 10.11.2021, 00:53
addon i made for toutatis, texture is reprojected, if the addon does not work (ie, you don't have the rock in your default asteroid.ssc file) , just make a ssc with this code
Code: Select all
"Toutatis:4179 Toutatis:1989 AC" "Sol"
Class "asteroid"
Mesh "toutatis.cmod"
Texture "toutatis.*"
Color [ 0.798 0.721 0.641 ]
BlendTexture true
Radius 2.38 # maximum semi-axis
MeshCenter [ 0.0313 0.2171 0.0064 ]
Albedo 0.13
LunarLambert 0.5
OrbitColor [ 0.14 0.10 0.07 ]
Epoch 2456274.5 # 2012-Dec-13 (Chang'e 2 Encounter)
Period 4.032594710 # 3:1-resonance with Jupiter, Alinda-asteroid
SemiMajorAxis 2.5334805970
Eccentricity 0.630058160
Inclination 0.44657101
AscendingNode 124.40338
ArgOfPericenter 27.868555
MeanAnomaly 6.677210978
Period 129.6 # 5.41 days
Inclination 145
PrecessionPeriod -0.0201 # 7.35 day period