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Generic exoplanet textures

Posted: 08.06.2021, 13:54
by cubicApoc
Just a set of replacements for the stock exoplanet textures and asteroid.jpg. I've also included a generic desert world. For best results, dump all the textures in Celestia/textures/hires, and then find and replace all instances of "asteroid.*" in your exoplanet catalogue with "desert.*".

CC-BY 4.0, do something cool with them, with credit of course.

(24.03 MiB) Downloaded 738 times

Updated 2024 edition includes new colors for classes 1-4, Yet Another Asteroid Texture integration, and some bonus textures.

(29.96 MiB) Downloaded 158 times

Posted: 08.06.2021, 15:38
by trappistplanets
i am using ttarrent's catalog and there are millions of exoplanets that uses asteroid.jpg
how can i select all of the "asteroid.*" stuff all at once so i can replace all of them quickly

Posted: 08.06.2021, 15:44
by CM1215
trappistplanets wrote:how can i select all of the "asteroid.*" stuff all at once so i can replace all of them quickly
You can use Notepad's find and replace feature (Edit >> Replace...)

Posted: 08.06.2021, 15:53
by trappistplanets
ok thanks!

Posted: 08.06.2021, 16:48
by Eric Nelson
Now Art Blos' Celestia Origin has great exoplanet textures too along with atmospheres on such planets in the exoplanets file (which's used for the folder of the same name placed in the extras).

I guess this's good for users without Celestia Origin (for any such reasons) or those desiring to make addons with them.

Posted: 08.06.2021, 22:07
by Anthony_B_Russo10
To be fair cubic, these could be best added into version 1.7.0 for its final release (when it actually happens) to replace the current defaults.

Posted: 08.06.2021, 22:23
by Eric Nelson
Yeah and they might also need to be part of such a project as well.

Posted: 09.06.2021, 05:53
by cubicApoc
Anthony_B_Russo10 wrote:To be fair cubic, these could be best added into version 1.7.0 for its final release (when it actually happens) to replace the current defaults.
I'm perfectly ok with this, fwiw. Those exoplanets have needed an upgrade for quite a while now. The default planet textures could also use a resolution boost, while we're at it.

Posted: 09.06.2021, 07:59
by Anthony_B_Russo10
A lot of base textures need a resolution boost.

Posted: 09.06.2021, 10:43
by trappistplanets
Anthony_B_Russo10 wrote:To be fair cubic, these could be best added into version 1.7.0 for its final release (when it actually happens) to replace the current defaults.
finally we have a spacific texture for rocky planets, so they don't need to use asteroid.jpg, and asteroid.jpg finaly has a good replacement

Posted: 09.06.2021, 18:27
by ajtribick
Nice work, the default textures could definitely use an update! (Saying this as the person who made the current set back in the Pleistocene or whenever...)

If you're intending to release these as CC-BY, it would be useful to specify which version of the license you intend to be using (the current one is CC-BY 4.0), and put an appropriate LICENSE file in the archive. E.g for CC-BY 4.0 the text would be:

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.

(for other CC licenses, there's a "use the license" link at the bottom of the page, the relevant text is under the "add this text" link under the "Offline work?" section)

Posted: 09.06.2021, 22:01
by cubicApoc
Thanks, edited the OP and stuck a readme in the zip.

Posted: 29.10.2024, 00:54
by cubicApoc
Edited OP to include updated texture pack.