Real Nebulae in the Pisces Dwarf

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Gurren Lagann
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Real Nebulae in the Pisces Dwarf

Post #1by Gurren Lagann » 27.02.2021, 01:29

I had always been a bit hesitant on making real-object addons for the Pisces Dwarf (aka LGS 3), since SIMBAD didnt list any children for it, and VizieR querys were a bit out of the question... until now!

I present to you:
Pisces Dwarf - Real Nebulae
What even are their positions anyway?

As you might had noticed, these models seem a bit... familiar. Those sprite models were actually made by Cham, nearly a whole decade ago.
Also, some creative liberties were taken in this addon, such as:
- Brightening of the nebulae to be easily seen, as they are not visible in visible-ish light
- Distance-guessing from the galactocentric distances

Special thanks to:
Cham - For the sprite nebula models used in this addon.
Hunter et al. 2019 - For the H I regions, which make up the [HEB2019] catalog in the addon. They are not visible in the visible spectrum, only in the 21 cm line, so artistic liberties had been taken.
Mellena et al. 2009 - For the star-forming regions, which make up the [MEH2009] catalog in the addon.
Pokhrel et al 2020 - For the interstellar medium shells+holes, which make up the [PCB2020] catalog in the addon.

Some mistakes, likely going to be fixed soon:
The [PCB2020] catalog should be named [PSB2020] (S for Simpson, and not C for Caroline), following the SIMBAD scheme.

And finally...
The download link:
The addon itself
(7.51 MiB) Downloaded 552 times
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Post #2by trappistplanets » 01.03.2021, 13:39

hi this is nice (sad my pc hates sprites)

and when will you continue Aur Cir?
There is a limit to how far we can travel into the stars.
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Post #3by Anthony_B_Russo10 » 01.03.2021, 16:27

hi this is nice (sad my pc hates sprites)
We know Trappist.
Anthony B. Russo, I like Pluto. Mod of the Celestia subreddit:
I have over 40 computers, trying to list them here would be a pain.
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Trolligi 112477
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Post #4by Trolligi 112477 » 15.08.2023, 11:36

Wait are you sure that these are real? Mellena et al. 2009 says that LGS 3 has no measurable HII regions
no more science papers

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