fyr02's Addons

The home for finished/released addons.
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fyr02's Addons

Post #1by fyr02 » 01.03.2020, 06:22

fyr02's Addons

In the past I had an addons thread, which was merged with the SSOFC thread.
In this post I plan to post all of my current addons that I'm working on.
I have numerous addons on my DeviantArt page (https://www.deviantart.com/fireon12064), most of which I'm not very happy with and plan to re-do, therefore they will not be posted here.

Fictional Systems

NDP Worldbuilding Project: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=20865

NDPC Universe (old): viewtopic.php?f=23&t=19667

CelWP (contributions): viewtopic.php?f=6&t=20152

Extrasolar Stars and Planets

From The Vault, a collection of unreleased exoplanet addons that didn't meet my standards, or were never finished: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tW_Gm0dg40Fc7d3qnTIvVYML4wR9MEl9?usp=sharing

Real Exoplanetary Textures in Celestia, which contains an addon that adds real exoplanet textures based on modelling of Kepler lightcurves: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=23219

VFTS 352, a contact binary star in the LMC: http://www.mediafire.com/file/w6e8r7b75l61xr5/VFTS352.zip/file

Rho1/55 Cancri Exoplanetary System, a binary star with a super-earth and four gas giants: http://www.mediafire.com/file/2l2sfjepzavevm9/55Cancri2.zip/file
Credits to Sirius_Alpha, MrSpace43, FarGetaNik, John Van Vliet, and Askaniy.

Kepler-442 b, an potentially habitable exoplanet orbiting the star Kepler-442: http://www.mediafire.com/file/yxxxg5h42uk95pd/Kepler442.zip/file
Original texture by kham132 on the SE forums based off of the rendering by Ph03nix1986. Credit to Sirius_Alpha.

V391 Pegasi b, a putative gas giant orbiting the blue subdwarf star V391 Pegasi: http://www.mediafire.com/file/5oscmmy8ez6yecp/V391_Pegasi.zip/file
Credits to Askaniy, Sirius_Alpha, and FarGetaNik . Based off of the original rendering by Tyrogthekreeper.

A Catalog of 50 Luminous Blue Variables: http://www.mediafire.com/file/jd9u4ayerpal4aq/LBV_Catalog.zip/file
Credits to MrSpace43, Gurren Lagann, FarGetaNik, nussun, SevenSpheres, and jll for the textures used. Several other people also assisted me in the creation of this addon - my thanks goes out to you as well.
Will be updated periodically.

The Quintuplet Cluster, a cluster of hot and massive stars only 100 ly from the Galactic Center: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1qygtl1vovvbad0/Quintuplet_Cluster.zip/file
Credit to MrSpace43, Gurren Lagann, and FarGetaNik.

Messier 40, a Messier object and visual double star consisting of two unrelated stars: http://www.mediafire.com/file/six5igy0e886m3f/Messier_40.zip/file

OTS 44, a rogue planet with a circumplanetary disk: http://www.mediafire.com/file/huhgvdulygw3jes/OTS_44.zip/file

Proxima Centauri Exoplanetary System, host to a super-earth and an ice giant as well as a candidate sub-earth:
Credit to Sirius_Alpha.

Kepler-22 b, a warm neptunian/super earth planet in the habitable zone of its star:
Kepler-22 can be downloaded in three versions:
Panthalassan: http://www.mediafire.com/file/n2frwwijwnbdt7i/Kepler-22_%28Panthalassan%29.zip/file
Vaporian: http://www.mediafire.com/file/fabp9m05h94mqqa/Kepler-22_%28Vaporian%29.zip/file
Neptunian: http://www.mediafire.com/file/78ixhijnhy77l2y/Kepler-22_%28Neptunian%29.zip/file
Credit to Sirius_Alpha and SevenSpheres.
Last edited by fyr02 on 03.10.2022, 22:00, edited 41 times in total.

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Post #2by fyr02 » 01.03.2020, 06:22

Kepler-47, a binary star with three circumbinary planets: http://www.mediafire.com/file/dqt24m3foinigft/Kepler-47.zip/file
Credit to Sirius_Alpha.

Kepler-51, a planetary system with three ultra-low density gas giants orbiting around it: http://www.mediafire.com/file/p301towi1vllgd1/Kepler-51.zip/file
Credit to Sirius_Alpha.

Kepler-1115 b, a warm, short-period super-Earth planet orbiting a young, highly oblate A-type star: http://www.mediafire.com/file/h6rblf7bdn5qd2t/Kepler-1115.zip/file
Credit to Sirius_Alpha.

Kepler-20, a six-planet system containing the first two Earth-sized exoplanets discovered: http://www.mediafire.com/file/5e55mn04jfrklzr/Kepler-20.zip/file
Credit to Sirius_Alpha.

Disproven exomoon candidates, several inferred exomoons whose study was later discredited:
Kepler-409: http://www.mediafire.com/file/sng14c6r2qcjk5e/Kepler-409.zip/file
Kepler-1000: http://www.mediafire.com/file/sgjhwuoozwmlcwd/Kepler-1000.zip/file
Credit to Sirius_Alpha.

Tau Ceti, a G-type star with four confirmed planets and two unconfirmed planets, with two super-earths in the habitable zone: http://www.mediafire.com/file/h53mqtsgoiffcje/Tau_Ceti.zip/file
Credit to Sirius_Alpha.

e/82 Eridani, a G-type star with three confirmed and four unconfirmed exoplanets, consisting of a hot Earth-size planet as well as four super-earths, a mini-Neptune, and a gas giant: http://www.mediafire.com/file/3f07x11hodgflq4/82Eridani.zip/file
Credit to Sirius_Alpha.

HD 85512 b, a super-Earth once considered to be one of the best candidates for a habitable exoplanet, but is now known to be too hot to support life: http://www.mediafire.com/file/b5h2c4cs9q8qqtu/HD_85512.zip/file
Credit to Sirius_Alpha.
Last edited by fyr02 on 03.11.2020, 02:02, edited 28 times in total.

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Post #3by fyr02 » 01.03.2020, 06:22

Solar System Objects

Project TNO: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=19924

Calypso, a small moon of Saturn, and a Tethys trojan: http://www.mediafire.com/file/24u78ryvpr2pwfu/calypso.zip/file
Made from Cassini images. Credit to Greg Frieger.

Dione, a moon of Saturn, with an all new and improved bump map: http://www.mediafire.com/file/jm97x2x5taa2uyf/dione.zip/file
Credit to FarGetaNik for the base texture, it's better than anything I could make. Credit to John van Vliet, Greg Frieger, FarGetaNik, and Kexitt for the base material for the bump map.

Helene, a small moon of Saturn, and a Dione trojan: http://www.mediafire.com/file/wb9mnscm6ui0sz1/Helene.zip/file
Thanks to MrSpace43 for polishing the texture, and Greg Frieger for the model.

Jupiter Historical Altsurfaces, which is an addon which adds an alternate surface of Jupiter for each year that a map has been constructed: http://www.mediafire.com/file/e3pnfkks0mcpnwc/Jupiter_AltSurfaces.zip/file
Note that most of the textures in this addon are not mine; special thanks to Askaniy for processing most of the textures in this pack - the full list of authors is in the addon. Additional credit to FarGetaNik for the texture reference and atmosphere.
Last edited by fyr02 on 15.07.2020, 04:10, edited 3 times in total.

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Post #4by SevenSpheres » 01.03.2020, 18:44

You were able to make two "reserved" posts? I tried to do that when I made my addons thread, but I got a message something like "You cannot make another post so soon after your first!" So now I have to edit download links into a reply...

Also, good work on VFTS 352. I just want to note that the issue with SemiAxes > 1 occurs in all versions of Celestia, not just 1.7.0 as you say in the readme file.
My Addons: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=19978 • Discord server admin
Celestia versions: 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.0, and some unofficial versions like Celestia-ED

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Post #5by fyr02 » 01.03.2020, 21:29

I don't know about issues with "reserved" posts. I was able to make them fine....

Anyway it's time for the arrival of the 55 Cnc System Remastered!

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Post #6by fyr02 » 18.03.2020, 22:40

V391 Pegasi b has been released...

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Post #7by fyr02 » 12.04.2020, 23:26

The LBV Catalog and Quintuplet cluster are now up for download.

Added after 1 hour 35 minutes:
Another addon.... I had this one lying around from November so I thought it would be a good time to publish..

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Post #8by Lafuente_Astronomy » 13.04.2020, 03:11

Mind if I post something here?

This is a supplementary update to fyr02's Quintuple Cluster addon. It contains only 2 changes:

1: It adds the Shell Nebula of V4998 Sgr, using LukeCEL's Abell 39 mesh as its model:
V4998 Sgr Nebula.jpg

(I know it most likely does not look like that. But I use Luke's mesh as a stand-in and as a representation of the bubble itself)

2: It adds the proper Quintuplet Cluster DSC data as well:
Quintuplet Cluster.jpg

These are but small changes, and while the 2 changes are my work, the whole addon I'm sharing is still fyr02's work. As such, I'll post it here instead of my own addon thread

Credits to LukeCEL for helping me figure out how to make the right way to type in Right Ascension values in DSC files

So, without further ado, here it is:
Quintuplet Cluster.rar
(18.88 MiB) Downloaded 589 times
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Post #9by fyr02 » 15.04.2020, 23:55

a new addon has been released! (yay...)

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Post #10by MrSpace43 » 16.04.2020, 00:39

(*In Purple Shep's voice*) OH MY GOLLY IT IS BEAUTIFUL!!!
Been into Astronomy since the age of 3 or 4. Started making planetary textures back in late 2016. 3D animator who makes high quality animations in Cinema 4D.

My addons page: https://celestiaproject.space/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=22167

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Post #11by fyr02 » 16.05.2020, 01:21

OTS 44 can now be downloaded.

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Post #12by fyr02 » 27.05.2020, 22:39

Proxima Centauri can now be downloaded.

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Post #13by MrSpace43 » 27.05.2020, 22:45

Been into Astronomy since the age of 3 or 4. Started making planetary textures back in late 2016. 3D animator who makes high quality animations in Cinema 4D.

My addons page: https://celestiaproject.space/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=22167

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Post #14by fyr02 » 28.05.2020, 22:30

Kepler-22 can now be downloaded.

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Post #15by jujuapapa » 29.05.2020, 12:55

Where can we download these addons ? :wink:
Soft: Celestia 1.6.2
PC : Intel Core i9-9900K (4 GHz) , Chipset Z390 Exp, RAM 32 Go DDR4 3000 Mhz, SSD M.2 512 Go + HDD 3 To, MSI GeForce RTX 2080 8Go - W10 64b

I lost my old user, so with us: since more 12 years
=> It is by doubting everything that everybody approaches the truth !

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Post #16by LukeCEL » 29.05.2020, 16:19

jujuapapa wrote:Where can we download these addons ?

jujuapapa, just scroll up to the first few posts and click on the Mediafire links.

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This is nice

Post #17by Chill » 29.05.2020, 20:13

I like these addons

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Post #18by fyr02 » 23.06.2020, 01:49

Kepler-47 and Kepler-51 can now be downloaded.

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Post #19by fyr02 » 15.07.2020, 04:29

Tau Ceti can now be downloaded.

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Post #20by jujuapapa » 15.07.2020, 06:17

fyr02 wrote:Tau Ceti can now be downloaded.
OK, downloaded and installed : nice planets but...

I didn't see b & c planets, do you know where aren't they present ? :eek:

You spoke about super-earth, where is for you the habitable zone and what is the link ?

Here are my graphic datas (https://news.ucsc.edu/2017/08/tau-ceti-planets.html):

Soft: Celestia 1.6.2
PC : Intel Core i9-9900K (4 GHz) , Chipset Z390 Exp, RAM 32 Go DDR4 3000 Mhz, SSD M.2 512 Go + HDD 3 To, MSI GeForce RTX 2080 8Go - W10 64b

I lost my old user, so with us: since more 12 years
=> It is by doubting everything that everybody approaches the truth !

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