Project "Celestia Origin", release dated December 30, 2019

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Art Blos M
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Project "Celestia Origin", release dated December 30, 2019

Post #1by Art Blos » 30.12.2019, 20:24


Dear members of the Celestia community!

We’d like to introduce our Celestia Origin project whose goal is to upgrade Celestia 1.6.1 with the most current information about celestial bodies without modifying the source code. This project is the largest one of its kind in the Russian Internet.

Our team is constantly monitoring space-related news and publications to collect the latest information about known space objects as well as scientific theories. As the result, we have created a unique assembly of Celestia add-ons. Most of the work has been done by the team members, while the rest was acquired from other parties. Each celestial body in our assembly has been updated with all available information, including physical and orbital parameters, alternative naming and topographic locations where available.

Project’s home page is located at

Project Members:
  • Artyom Goncharov aka Art Blos - founder and head of the project, main developer and tester of the collection;
  • Askaniy Anpilogov aka Askaniy - creator of textures, models and locations, document translator, main helper with ideas;
  • Artyom Volgin aka Zemlyanin - creator of tools for automatic data collection (minor bodies) and creator of several unique add-ons, a consultant for various scientific issues, help in complex calculations;
  • Ivan Romanov aka Lepestronik - creator of the installation script for various OS;
  • Greg Frieger - creator of the largest base of 3D models of the Solar system bodies, writing utilities for import to Celestia;
  • Anton Sobolev aka Vision - help with deep space objects.

The latest version (published on December 30th 2019) includes:
  • 9 planets (including a hypothetical one);
  • 220 planetary moons (with 4 hypothetical ones);
  • 5 dwarf planets;
  • 9 moons of dwarf planets;
  • 4008 asteroids + 23 binary and 1 trinary;
  • 65 moons of asteroids;
  • 1125 comets;
  • 1 moon of comets;
  • >2448220 stars of the Milky Way;
  • 43848 stars outside the Milky Way;
  • 4269 exoplanets + 4084 unconfirmed + 2 exomoons + 1 exoasteroid + 4 rogue planets;
  • 10943 galaxies;
  • 373 globular clusters;
  • 1073 open clusters;
  • 33 nebulae;
  • 100 spacecrafts.

Use the attached torrent file
Celestia Origin v.10 (30.12.2019).torrent
(43.41 KiB) Downloaded 877 times
or the direct links to download the addon’s;
Installation instructions
1) Collection installation on Windows, Linux and macOS:

1.1) Download Celestia 1.6.1 distro:

- Windows:

- Linux: check your OS repository or use following
Ensure that proposed Celestia's version matches with required one (1.6.1).
IMPORTANT: it's necessary to disable Celestia's packages updating to prevent installed collection damage;

- macOS: download a disk image and follow the instructions in the README

1.2) Install the program at suggested standard address (on Windows) or at any other of your choice (on Windows and macOS); Linux packages will be installed to one of standard addresses automatically;

1.3) Unpack "Installers" folder from "Core" archive file manually and place it where this file located.
If you placed "Installers" folder anywhere else or installed native Celestia to non-standart address you'd need to copy full paths to archive file (without a filename) and to installed Celestia to the command line when the corresponding requests will appear;

1.4) On Windows run Windows_Install_CO.bat as an administrator (from right-click menu);
on Linux or macOS run appropriate .sh file (on Linux you'd need to run script as a root user) after making it executable using file properties menu or the command "chmod +x <scriptname>.sh".
Follow the instructions on the screen. The backup copy of native Celestia's data will be created during the installation;

1.5) Agree to install "medres" and "hires" data if you want to achive max textures' resolution;

1.6) If you make installation to an HDD on Windows you may need to defragment it before the first launch of Celestia Origin.
Another OS' file systems don't need a defragmentation due to these systems' features.

2) Collection uninstallation and restoration of native Celestia:

2.1) Run Uninstall-script corresponding to your OS similary to 1.4) item and follow it's instructions.
Copy full path of installed Celestia to the command line when the request will appear if the script didn't find the program at it's standard location.

2.2) After Celestia's path location and detection of the backup copy the collection removing and the restoration of native data will occur.

Pleasant flight!
Celestia Origin patch v.10.3 (03.03.2020).7z
Unpack to folder "extras" after installation the core
(1.85 KiB) Downloaded 1318 times
Founder and head of the project "Celestia Origin"

Topic author
Art Blos M
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Location: Volgodonsk, Rostov Oblast, Russia

Post #2by Art Blos » 30.12.2019, 20:27

The archive "Hires" is identical to the previous version. Just rename it. :wink:
Founder and head of the project "Celestia Origin"

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Joined: 08.10.2019
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Post #3by SevenSpheres » 30.12.2019, 20:46

Downloading now! But I'm curious why Celestia Origin isn't using Celestia 1.6.2 now? Is it because of the star browser bug?
My Addons: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=19978 • Discord server admin
Celestia versions: 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.0, and some unofficial versions like Celestia-ED

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Post #4by fyr02 » 30.12.2019, 20:58

Excited! Downloading rn

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Art Blos M
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Location: Volgodonsk, Rostov Oblast, Russia

Post #5by Art Blos » 30.12.2019, 21:01

SevenSpheres wrote:But I'm curious why Celestia Origin isn't using Celestia 1.6.2 now? Is it because of the star browser bug?
Now is not the time for this. I'm waiting for a really stable version.
Founder and head of the project "Celestia Origin"

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Post #6by fyr02 » 30.12.2019, 22:45

Found an error in asteroids.ssc.

for 174567 Varda:

SemiAxes is given as [ 395 361.425 361.425 ].
Should be [ 395 395 361.425 ] so that Varuna is oblate rather than oblong.

Topic author
Art Blos M
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Location: Volgodonsk, Rostov Oblast, Russia

Post #7by Art Blos » 30.12.2019, 22:56

fyr02 wrote:Found an error in asteroids.ssc.
for 174567 Varda:
SemiAxes is given as [ 395 361.425 361.425 ].
Should be [ 395 395 361.425 ] so that Varuna is oblate rather than oblong.
Your fault. :smile: In next time always specify a three parameters in your excel-file.

Between major releases, we will sometimes issue patches, so that's okay.
Founder and head of the project "Celestia Origin"

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Joined: 31.12.2019
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Post #8by yuquiyu » 31.12.2019, 14:44

Hello, I am new to the forum. I downloaded from github and tried to follow the instructions in install. So, git clone and cd to Celestia directory; then: mkdir build, cd build, and cmake .. -DENABLE_INTERFACE=ON [*]. It is the last item that does not work. I tried substituting QT, "QT", [QT], ["QT"], and always get the message that the directory .../build/QT does not exist.

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Post #9by fyr02 » 31.12.2019, 18:44

Sorry, this is not the correct place to post this - may I ask you what version you are trying to download 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.0, etc. and what your OS is?
If you are simply trying to download the latest stable release (1.6.1) then simply go to
If you are trying to download 1.6.2 or 1.7.0 then I would ask the developers.

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Post #10by Anthony_B_Russo10 » 01.01.2020, 03:07

Agreed with fyr02.
Anthony B. Russo, I like Pluto. Mod of the Celestia subreddit:
I have over 40 computers, trying to list them here would be a pain.
Responsible for the NEO catalog:
And mod of the Discord server.

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Art Blos M
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Location: Volgodonsk, Rostov Oblast, Russia

Post #11by Art Blos » 01.01.2020, 14:46

yuquiyu < What is your operating system? I’ll clarify just in case: did you try to install Origin?
Founder and head of the project "Celestia Origin"

Posts: 828
Joined: 08.10.2019
With us: 5 years 5 months

Post #12by SevenSpheres » 02.01.2020, 19:04

I'll list some more things that need to be fixed:

  • Since Iapteus has a mesh, it should have a Radius defined, not SemiAxes
  • Makemake and Quaoar (and possibly some other objects) have the same problem as Varda
  • Some names that were missed: 385695 Clete = 2005 TO74; 469219 Kamo'oalewa = 2016 HO3
  • Maybe add special characters as I described here; e.g. "\u0160teins" becomes "Šteins" (Askaniy saw my screenshots in the Discord)

yuquiyu, try the Celestia 1.7.0 Development Thread.
My Addons: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=19978 • Discord server admin
Celestia versions: 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.0, and some unofficial versions like Celestia-ED

Topic author
Art Blos M
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Location: Volgodonsk, Rostov Oblast, Russia

Post #13by Art Blos » 02.01.2020, 20:05

SevenSpheres wrote:Since Iapteus has a mesh, it should have a Radius defined, not SemiAxes
This is not a bug and is done on purpose. Iapetus model is not flattened.

SevenSpheres wrote:Makemake and Quaoar (and possibly some other objects) have the same problem as Varda
I will carefully study this problem.

SevenSpheres wrote:Some names that were missed: 385695 Clete = 2005 TO74; 469219 Kamo'oalewa = 2016 HO3
OK. Keep collecting similar information.

SevenSpheres wrote:Maybe add special characters as I described here; e.g. "\u0160teins" becomes "Šteins" (Askaniy saw my screenshots in the Discord)
No, this method will make impossible localization through po-files.
Founder and head of the project "Celestia Origin"

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Post #14by EarthSolar » 03.01.2020, 09:42

I downloaded both v.8 and v.10 and both starnames.dat files appear to be empty. Could anyone check whether if it's just me or not? I downloaded only the Core.

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Art Blos M
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Location: Volgodonsk, Rostov Oblast, Russia

Post #15by Art Blos » 03.01.2020, 10:06

EarthSolar wrote:I downloaded both v.8 and v.10 and both starnames.dat files appear to be empty. Could anyone check whether if it's just me or not? I downloaded only the Core.
Everything is good, starnames.dat must to be empty.
Founder and head of the project "Celestia Origin"

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Art Blos M
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Location: Volgodonsk, Rostov Oblast, Russia

Post #16by Art Blos » 06.01.2020, 11:10

Important announcement!

The number of releases per year is reduced from three to two. Now the key dates are April 30 and October 30. Over the course of six months, we will publish "inter-release" patches containing minor bug fixes and/or especially important new objects. The number of patches can vary from 0 or more, as the case may be.

The new schedule is designed to reduce the physical and psychological stress on our team. Hope for understanding.
Founder and head of the project "Celestia Origin"

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Post #17by Anthony_B_Russo10 » 07.01.2020, 10:17

Reducing stress on the team is a good thing.
Anthony B. Russo, I like Pluto. Mod of the Celestia subreddit:
I have over 40 computers, trying to list them here would be a pain.
Responsible for the NEO catalog:
And mod of the Discord server.

Topic author
Art Blos M
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Location: Volgodonsk, Rostov Oblast, Russia

Post #18by Art Blos » 10.01.2020, 18:56

Added patch v.10.1

  • Added asteroid 2020 AV2 - the first asteroid with aphelion closer than Venus;
  • Corrected dimensions for Makemake, 50000 Quaoar and 174567 Varda.
2020 AV2.png
Founder and head of the project "Celestia Origin"

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Post #19by Lafuente_Astronomy » 16.01.2020, 12:44

I may have posted this on a previous post of CO release before but just to bump it up, here is the Horizon Problem that started with Version 7 (I think):
When I just freshly landed:
Croc problem 1.jpg

After scrolling a few times:
Croc problem 2.jpg
Official Administrator of the Celestia Discord Server.
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Have a blessed day.

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Art Blos M
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Location: Volgodonsk, Rostov Oblast, Russia

Post #20by Art Blos » 16.01.2020, 13:05

Lafuente_Astronomy wrote:I may have posted this on a previous post of CO release before but just to bump it up, here is the Horizon Problem that started with Version 7 (I think):
When I just freshly landed:
This problem is definitely in LUT. I checked all the available functions, but none of them came up for the solution. I need a specialist in Lua.
Founder and head of the project "Celestia Origin"

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