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What NOT to do

Posted: 06.07.2017, 00:36
by John Van Vliet
every now and then i get a add on to check that looks like it was put together by an EIGHT YEAR OLD

now !!!

unless you ARE really 8 years old then DO NOT upload things that look like this to the MotherLoad !!!!!

-- Triton ???


this is Triton

and this " MriandaBump"


ans this is Miranda

or Umbriel ?? really ???


this is Umbriel

also PLEASE READ the guide for uploading to the motherload

Posted: 07.07.2017, 06:42
by Centurion20000
Hilarious and pathetic. :clap:

Posted: 29.12.2017, 19:14
by Joey P.
I can obviously do better than that.

Posted: 29.12.2017, 21:32
by selden
Often enough such designs are actually created by young folk. It'd be more appropriate to point them toward appropriate tutorials than to make fun of them.

What NOT to do

Posted: 30.12.2017, 00:38
by LukeCEL
Speaking of the Motherlode, is it still accepting add-ons and screenshots? I've submitted photos to go with my Binary Star Catalog, as well as updates to some of my other addons, but they appeared on the site yet.

Posted: 30.12.2017, 03:31
by John Van Vliet
i was kind in the fail notice

as i stated in the first post
" unless you ARE 8 then do not do this "

if you are 8 or so then we CAN help

i think the youngest here on this forum is 15 , as far as i know .

Posted: 30.12.2017, 03:45
by LukeCEL
John Van Vliet wrote:i was kind in the fail notice

as i stated in the first post
" unless you ARE 8 then do not do this "

if you are 8 or so then we CAN help

i think the youngest here on this forum is 15 , as far as i know .

Not sure what you mean by this.

I remember getting an email about a failed add-on once, but I don't think I got any feedback for the other things I've uploaded. Also, I'm not 8 years old, nor did I submit those textures. (Did someone submit a file under the name "Luke" by any chance?)

Posted: 30.12.2017, 08:41
by FarGetaNik
John Van Vliet wrote:i think the youngest here on this forum is 15 , as far as i know .

Oh I know at least one forum member that is younger than that :spy:

Posted: 02.01.2018, 03:58
by MrSpace43
8 year olds are noobs at making textures.

Posted: 12.01.2018, 01:44
by MrSpace43
Also I have the idiot to say that his textures suck. It's here:

Posted: 13.01.2018, 03:58
by John Van Vliet
can you please clarify this :
Also I have the idiot to say that his textures suck. It's here:

Posted: 14.01.2018, 18:59
by FarGetaNik
I keep getting messages over at DeviantArt abou this site. I wonder what's going on.

Posted: 15.01.2018, 03:57
by John Van Vliet
I wonder what's going on.
not too much

i am at the cartographers guild site more than here
or on some of the blender forums