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Dynamic atmosphere of Jupiter (updated)

Posted: 10.08.2016, 14:07
by Alexell

Author: arctudus & RVS

Description: a model of Jupiter’s atmosphere, consisting of 10 layers at a speed corresponding to the actual watched.
This updated version of the add-on, displays artifacts no longer observed.

Red spot is covered

Posted: 19.08.2016, 20:43
by fsgregs
I installed the clouds but discovered that the big brown band in the southern hemisphere almost completely covers and obscures the Great Red Spot. Here is a screenshot:

red spot covered.jpg

Is it my system or is this a major problem?


Posted: 20.08.2016, 01:49
by John Van Vliet
the spot is one of the clouds, you need to use the ssc file

Spot of Jupiter

Posted: 20.08.2016, 16:17
by fsgregs
Thanks John. I am using the ssc file that comes with the clouds addon. The problem is that the base texture of Jupiter already has a red spot on it. The solarsys.ssc file names that texture. When the semi-transparent cloud addon is added in the extras folder, it does not modify the base texture to remove it. Rather, it overlays the base texture with the 10 layer cloud texture, so there are actually two red spots visible ... one on the base texture and one on the cloud addon. here is a screenshot (notice the 2nd red spot under and just to the left of the cloud red spot. As the planet rotates, the cloud red spot moves past the base red spot, and both becomes visible.


What the cloud addon needs to do is first modify Jupiter to remove its base texture, as the 1st line.
(Modify "Sol/Jupiter"
Texture "empty.*"

Or ... the speed and position of the red spot on the cloud texture needs to be adjusted to permanently overlay the base red spot. Am I still missing something?. Help!

Posted: 20.08.2016, 20:03
by Fenerit
To get this add-on working fine, I have ought:
1) replace my Jupiter texture with the shipped one (this is without GRS);
2) place all "frame" textures inside the main Celestia's "/textures/medres" folder (maybe due to ".*" extension, I will try to set the proper ".png");
3) remove all the references to the "empty.*" texture within the .ssc file.

Added after 2 hours 27 minutes:
Yes, indeed the point 2) is solved like was supposed.

Posted: 25.02.2018, 18:19
by MrSpace43
That's what Jupiter looks like in Space Engine