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Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 01.01.2013, 06:50
by John Van Vliet
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Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 01.01.2013, 14:33
by John Van Vliet
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Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 05.01.2013, 17:45
by fungun
olyv, I cannot open your file. I would like to read it before I test this addon. I have not downloaded it yet due to its size, but would like to read your thoughts. So how did you zip this up? Here is what I get when I try to unzip it --

Code: Select all

!   C:\Documents and Settings\Ed\My Documents\ Unknown method in comparative.txt
!   C:\Documents and Settings\Ed\My Documents\ No files to extract


Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 05.01.2013, 18:42
by John Van Vliet
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Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 05.01.2013, 20:16
by John Van Vliet
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Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 06.01.2013, 17:47
by t00fri
pla879 wrote:What would you suggest for the planets, 1600x800????

Phil aka Pla879

also 1600x800 is NOT a power of two! Here are the acceptable texture sizes:

..., 1024x512, 2048x1024, 4096x2048, 8192x4096, 16384x8192, ...


Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 06.01.2013, 18:21
by John Van Vliet
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Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 07.01.2013, 00:10
by VikingTechJPL
john Van Vliet wrote:

2^2^2^2^2^2^2^2 =256
2^2^2^2^2^2^2^2^2^2 =1024
2^2^2^2^2^2^2^2^2^2^2= 2048
-- and so on ---

Sorry, not so! You should have multiplication operators between each 2.

If the upper caret symbols of exponentiation all have the same precedence and you parse from left to right, your first equation should expand as (((((((2^2)^2)^2)^2)^2)^2)^2) as follows:
2 = 2
2^2 = 4
2^2^2 = 4^2 = 16
2^2^2^2 = 16^2 = 256
2^2^2^2^2 = 256^2 = 65,536
2^2^2^2^2^2 = 65,536^2 = 4,294,967,296
2^2^2^2^2^2^2 = 4,294,967,296^2 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616
2^2^2^2^2^2^2^2 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616^2 = 3.4028236692093846346337460743177e+38, a huge number in itself. Your further equations yield even more incredibly large numbers!

Interestingly, not all computer languages parse this the same way! If you expand or parse from right to left, you may get:
2 ^ 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 which yields a number too large to handle!

In your first equation, you apparently meant:
2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 256 or 2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2 = 256
And then
2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 512 or 2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2 = 512
and so on.

Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 07.01.2013, 00:14
by fungun
I went to download it 3 different times at 3 different times of the day.
Why??? The most download speed I got was 67 Kb per sec. So I will not wait over 3 hours to download it.
No it is not my connection. I can download from other sites at 500kb to 1.1mb per second.
Maybe it's the site you are using. (???)
Split it up and I will look at it.


Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 07.01.2013, 02:02
by John Van Vliet
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Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 07.01.2013, 03:09
by Cham
Well, ^ is also the Wedge antisymetric product, so 2^2 = 2^2^2 = 2^2^2^2 = ... = 0 :o

Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 07.01.2013, 04:34
by VikingTechJPL
john Van Vliet wrote:

oops, i was on my first cup of coffee for the morning

Ah, yes! Those of us who have done a lot of programming know how much tighter our code gets after the second cup! Program on!

Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 08.01.2013, 21:23
by Hungry4info
pla879 wrote:5 times 2 = 10, 40 times two = 80, 800 times 2 = 1600, 1600 times 2 = 3200... That is what I UNDERSTOOD to be the power of 2. B-a-s-i-c math. The type of math taught in elementary schools around the world. Non-programmer math. The term power of 2 is kind of misleading especially for a non-programmer type.
I do not know if English is your native language, but in the English speaking world, powers of 2 are understood to be exponents, and multiples of 2 are understood to be multiplication.

2*n is a multiple of 2.
2^n is a power of 2.

Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 08.01.2013, 21:52
by Andy74
pla879 wrote:5 times 2 = 10, 40 times two = 80, 800 times 2 = 1600, 1600 times 2 = 3200... That is what I UNDERSTOOD to be the power of 2.

the crucial point is that you start with a five: 5 times 2. So the result of your calculation is 5 times a power of 2: 2^n * 5.
Of course all of this is basic maths :wink:

Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 08.01.2013, 21:59
by VikingTechJPL
pla879 wrote:
5 times 2 = 10, 40 times two = 80, 800 times 2 = 1600, 1600 times 2 = 3200...

To add a few words to Hungry4info's and Andy74's succinct explanations—

pla879, yes, you multiplied everything by 2, but your examples start with numbers that are not powers of 2. The numbers 5, 10, 40, 800 etc. all contain the number 5 (meaning they can all be divided by 5 and yield an integer), so no matter how much you multiply them by 2 you still will never get a power of two. This is because 5 itself is NOT a power of 2.

Instead, start with 2 and then keep multiplying by 2 (as many times as you want) and you'll always get a power of two.

Hope this helps.

Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 08.01.2013, 22:00
by t00fri
As Cham mentioned already, the A^B notation may be misleading in certain instances. Reason is that for people knowing real math the ^ operator may denote the antisymmetric wedge product. If A and B are not numbers but vectors, quaternions or even more complicated objects, A^B is a non-trivial quantity distinctly different from the power B of A.

A unique notation for powers is often used: A ** B. Notably also in certain programming languages like Fortran or Perl.


Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 09.01.2013, 02:12
by Fenerit
pla879 wrote:OMG!!! Yeah I got it, thanks......I think what happened was that I had a dangerous and I mean dangerous case of tunnel vision and didn't think of it it that way..Sorry Sorry Sorry.........Ouch..

Never mind. Do use square roots like counterproofs. The tenth-root of 1024 is 2; therefore the eleventh-root of 2048 is still 2.

Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 08.02.2013, 20:57
by kristoffer
The download link doesn't work. It says "Download not available".

pla879, do you have the addon somewhere else?

Re: Beta Add-On needs testers.

Posted: 11.02.2013, 09:10
by kristoffer
pla879 wrote:Add-on was available until a few days ago....I got feedback, made changes, uploaded it last night for approval and hopefully it will be blessed and added to the Motherload. If it isn't approved I will fix the errors and then post it again as another Beta Test. It's taking awhile because it is very large and it is my first. Appreciate your interest in it.


Ok :)
hope it gets in on the Motherlode, but I guess it can take a bit. That was also with my addon, took some 2 days or so, till it was uploaded.