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The Million Stars Appreciation Thread

Posted: 04.09.2012, 16:35
by Chuft-Captain
For those who can afford to load Cham's Million Stars....

I have written a fun script to better appreciate it's size and scale:

If you already have Vincent's Lua educational tools, this script can be installed as an ADDON in those tools.
I recommend this approach as it makes it nice and easy to run (if you're familiar with his tools).

Just follow these steps to install in WINDOWS systems (Linux users, it's probably the same approach, but if not, you'll know what to do. :wink:) :

    1. download and unzip it directly into your lua_edu_tools folder - This should install the necessary files in the correct sub-folder

    2. In the lua_edu_tools folder:
    edit the config.lua file and add the following line:

    Code: Select all

            adds =
               "Crossing_Andromeda",  -- add this line

    3. Restart Celestia with the Lua Edu Tools enabled, and look for "Crossing_Andromeda" in the list of addons.

Alternatively, if you don't have Vincent's tools, just put the Crossing_Andromeda.celx file in the usual scripts menu, and run it directly from the File -> Scripts item as usual.
No need to edit config files in this case.


Re: The Million Stars Appreciation Thread

Posted: 10.09.2012, 01:09
by PlutonianEmpire
Pretty cool. :)

If one has the SVN version of Celestia, they can try this with the new star code too, making for an equally interesting experience. :)

Doing this with the new stars kinda reminded me of driving through a major snowstorm at night. Very pretty. Of course, a safer way to do this in the major night-time snowstorm would be to stand still and hold a flashlight and aim it in the direction from which the snow if falling. :)

Re: The Million Stars Appreciation Thread

Posted: 10.09.2012, 12:52
by Chuft-Captain

I realized soon after starting this thread that CelURL's don't really capture all the session and object information required in order to replicate the journey exactly, so I created a script to better realize it.
So, I've now updated the original post with this script and installation instructions.
