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Doomsday rogue planet

Posted: 28.05.2012, 06:44
by PlutonianEmpire
Sometime during my first year using Celestia, I created a gas giant that inevitably brings about the end of the world.

The inspiration for that was the 1930's novel I read, titled "When Worlds Collide," that featured a rogue gas giant destroying the Earth while leaving behind an Earth-sized moon for us to move to. The difference between that and this addon is that the novel's doomsday planet was on a hyperbolic orbit, and the addon's planet is not.

Eventually, I decided to beef up the doomsday planet to take advantage of some of the features of the more recent versions of Celestia. Now with some tweaking, I'd figure I'd make it available for others. :)

NOTE: The addon does not provide textures, cuz they already exist -- The textures are the ones available with Rassilon's old globular cluster generator, which you can find here: ... ~rassilon/

Also, I like to write once in a while, so I made a short story based on this addon. It is included in the .zip file.


Enjoy. :)

And yes, I blatantly used artistic licensing for the names. :mrgreen:

Posted: 29.12.2017, 19:27
by Joey P.
Where is it?

Posted: 29.01.2018, 16:19
by JediTrekkie
I would enjoy if there was a file to download...

Posted: 30.01.2018, 15:48
by John Van Vliet
did you see the data on this thread

and the ancient link in the "way back machine" on Archive(dot)org from 2008

Posted: 30.01.2018, 18:46
by Joey P.
anyway, one day I would like to create a script based on this video I made:

The thing is, I am horrible at making textures and possibly models as well... hehe

Posted: 02.11.2018, 05:01
by Joey P.
Actually, here's a newer video Celestia can re-enact: