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Kepler Planet Candidates (revised 2012/05/14)

Posted: 04.03.2012, 17:18
by ajtribick
Almost all the Kepler planets candidates in Celestia!

Description of the files and how they were generated is in the header of the ssc and stc files. I've also added the Perl scripts I used to generate them.

Note this add-on includes Kepler-27 as KOI-841. This system is currently not included in the standard Celestia extrasolar planets files due to oddities in the stellar properties.

Best used in conjunction with the extrasolar.ssc and files from SVN revision 5206/5207, obtain them from here.

Result of generation script:

Code: Select all

Output 1723 stars.
Output 2210 planets.

The script I used to generate the files is also included. Note that running it will download the Kepler Input Catalog and the candidates list files. The Kepler Input Catalog is a huge file (761 MB) so be warned.

Change log:

v1.1 (2012/05/14)
  • Removed KOI-13 and KOI-872 (these are now included in standard extrasolar planets files)
  • Added marker script
  • Added J to 2MASS designations
  • Fixed Epoch bug
  • Changed significant figures in output files
  • Added download capability to

v1.0 (2012/03/04)
  • Initial version

Re: Kepler Planet Candidates

Posted: 04.03.2012, 18:45
by Cham

you should make a celx script to mark all the stars in your addon. It's very difficult to locate them without opening the stc file and select the stars one by one. Without a script, this addon is almost useless.

Re: Kepler Planet Candidates

Posted: 04.03.2012, 19:08
by ajtribick
I personally don't use scripts, and generally find markers annoying. The built-in exoplanetary systems get on fine without markers, can't say I've missed the functionality.

Locating the systems is pretty easy anyway, hit enter and type "KOI"...

Re: Kepler Planet Candidates

Posted: 04.03.2012, 19:13
by Cham
You don't use scripts ? You're missing A LOT of things !

Here's a picture made from a CELX script I just wrote in 1 minute :

Re: Kepler Planet Candidates

Posted: 04.03.2012, 19:37
by Cham
Another view. The script also gives the number of exoplanets candidates around each star, if n > 1,
and a message gives the total number of stars with candidates in your database (1725 stars).


EDIT : A view from our solar system. We can see a "cross" pattern on the sky covered by the Kepler mission :


There are lots of stars with 4 and 5 exoplanets candidates in there... If all of them get confirmed, that would be awesome ! :o

Re: Kepler Planet Candidates

Posted: 04.03.2012, 21:20
by t00fri
I personally don't use scripts,
I just tried to run your above Perl scripts (which are not CELX scripts, yet they are scripts ;-) ).

More seriously, the perl scripts produce errors since
kicdata.csv and
did not exist in your above zip archive.

I suppose these files serve as storage for the KOI data that one has to first download?

Here is a little suggestion from my long Perl experience: How about using
the WEB user agent class: LWP::UserAgent from CPAN?

It easily allows a real time download from the KOI archive, such that you are always updated as to new exoplanets, whenever the Perl script is run.

I use this module (together with the Zlib compression module) in most of my entirely rewritten
Perl scripts for Celestia.Sci (binaries, globulars, galaxies...)


Re: Kepler Planet Candidates

Posted: 04.03.2012, 21:21
by ajtribick
Well this just illustrates the pointlessness of providing scripts. Maybe the user wants to highlight only a specific kind of system, or colour the markers by spectral type, or whatever. This isn't a behavioural add-on where there is an obvious need for scripting.

I'm not here to tell the users what to do with the add-on or the data. That's up to them.

Re: Kepler Planet Candidates

Posted: 04.03.2012, 21:24
by ajtribick
t00fri wrote:I just tried to run your above Perl scripts (which are not CELX scripts, yet they are scripts ;-) ).

More seriously, the perl scripts produce errors since
kicdata.csv and
did not exist in your above zip archive.

I suppose these files serve as storage for the KOI data that one has to first download?
Yes, I put the details of how to get these in the header comments of the scripts. Unfortunately it doesn't look like the Kepler Input Catalog is available online except through a query form, which makes writing an automated download somewhat trickier.

Re: Kepler Planet Candidates

Posted: 04.03.2012, 22:08
by t00fri

you probably know all these URL's, yet...

The Kepler Input Catalog is also to be found at CDS Strasbourg, unfortunately dated 2009: ... ce=V%2F133

Of course there is also a direct ftp access to these data:

that could be automatically downloaded. But it's presumably somewhat outdated.

More Kepler related data are found in further CDS Strasbourg catalogs. They are listed here: ... ler&find=+


Re: Kepler Planet Candidates

Posted: 04.03.2012, 22:15
by ajtribick
Ah ha I've now managed to find

I guess if I put this in the script I'd have to put some kind of notice in there, I suspect people wouldn't be too amused to have a 761 MB download sprung on them without warning...

Re: Kepler Planet Candidates

Posted: 04.03.2012, 22:36
by t00fri
ajtribick wrote:Ah ha I've now managed to find

I guess if I put this in the script I'd have to put some kind of notice in there, I suspect people wouldn't be too amused to have a 761 MB download sprung on them without warning...


Another more actual KOI table I found here:

Unfortunately, it doesn't have all the entries that you requested.
There is also an export option on the top right.


Re: Kepler Planet Candidates

Posted: 08.03.2012, 01:03
by Hungry4info
Thanks for this add-on. It's quite spectacular!

Re: Kepler Planet Candidates

Posted: 08.03.2012, 20:11
by Marco Klunder
Excelent Add-on :D

And for those who are interested in using a CELX script for this Add-on: :wink:

Example in Multiview mode

Code: Select all

celestia:setrenderflags{markers = true}

earth:mark("cyan", "disk", 10, 1, "Earth" )

for star in celestia:stars() do
   first, last = string.find(star:name(), "KOI-", 1, true)
   if first == 1 then
      star_children = star:getchildren()
      for k, child in pairs(star_children) do
      if i == 1 then
         star:mark("purple", "square", 4)
         star:mark("white", "square", 8, 1, "(" .. i .. ")" )

obs:splitview("V", 0.5)
observers = celestia:getobservers()
observers[1]:splitview("H", 0.5)
observers[2]:splitview("H", 0.5)
observers = celestia:getobservers()
celestia:seturl("cel://Follow/Sol:Earth/2012-03-08T12:44:18.67144?x=PgyupAqpFQ&y=cMQJiwtH1v7//////////w&z=wNgQS9OZmv///////////w&ow=-0.201857&ox=0.341878&oy=0.747505&oz=-0.532549&fov=35&ts=1&ltd=0&p=0&rf=2219927&lm=128&tsrc=0&ver=3", observers[1])
celestia:seturl("cel://Follow/Sol:Earth/2012-03-08T12:44:58.12015?x=AAAAAAB4oOzgBxJl&y=AAAAAADQ8hlr+rtn/////w&z=AAAAAAC8YG3v5fmt/////w&ow=0.517599&ox=-0.716377&oy=-0.430236&oz=0.183829&fov=35&ts=1&ltd=0&p=0&rf=2219927&lm=128&tsrc=0&ver=3", observers[4])
celestia:seturl("cel://Follow/Sol:Earth/2012-03-08T12:49:07.20848?x=AAAAAAAA9cdQ99HPEA&y=AAAAAACAv5mnnMN/9v///w&z=AAAAAAAAN7uOCPMYBg&ow=0.712447&ox=-0.461999&oy=-0.491966&oz=-0.192214&fov=35&ts=1&ltd=0&p=0&rf=2219927&lm=128&tsrc=0&ver=3", observers[3])
celestia:seturl("cel://Follow/Sol:Earth/2012-03-08T12:51:57.80176?x=AAAAAACWOGdwO40R&y=AAAAAAASBZTgCTw9&z=AAAAAAD48XL6jZ4V&ow=0.254111&ox=0.0111172&oy=-0.593132&oz=-0.763871&fov=35&ts=1&ltd=0&p=0&rf=2219927&lm=128&tsrc=0&ver=3", observers[2])

waittime = 30

celestia:setrenderflags{markers = false}

Example in Singleview mode

Code: Select all

celestia:setrenderflags{markers = true}

for star in celestia:stars() do
   first, last = string.find(star:name(), "KOI-", 1, true)
   if first == 1 then
      star_children = star:getchildren()
      for k, child in pairs(star_children) do
      if i == 1 then
         star:mark("purple", "square", 4)
         star:mark("white", "square", 8, 1, "(" .. i .. ")" )

celestia:seturl("cel://Follow/Sol:Earth/2012-03-08T16:15:43.70161?x=K2rGO3XxCQ&y=AO5jLe9mD/7//////////w&z=4Jpq2MahSf///////////w&ow=0.103124&ox=-0.345093&oy=-0.746957&oz=0.558866&select=Sol:Earth&fov=34.7121&ts=1&ltd=0&p=0&rf=2228127&lm=136&tsrc=0&ver=3", obs)

It's even future proof when new Kepler candidates are added to the Add-on.

Actual NASA Kepler Planet Count (8-3-2012)
Confirmed Planets: 61
Planet Candidates: 2,321

Re: Kepler Planet Candidates

Posted: 10.03.2012, 09:32
by ajtribick
One thing to think about with that script is what happens if you add the KOI designations for the circumbinary planet systems Kepler-16 (KOI-1611), Kepler-34 (KOI-2459) and Kepler-35 (KOI-2937).

Interestingly neither Kepler-34 nor Kepler-35 are in the released list of planet candidates. The planet Kepler-16 (AB) b is the candidate KOI-1611.02, presumably KOI-1611.01 is the secondary star.

Re: Kepler Planet Candidates

Posted: 10.03.2012, 14:43
by Deepwatcher
Yep, KOI-1611.01 can only be the red dwarf

This add-on is amazing, my compliments!

I've just finished my own add-on about the Kepler confirmed planets, but this already includes everything :mrgreen:
You beated me of one week :lol:

How did you write it? I mean, it's a 2000 planets add-on, surely you can't have written and checked them all one-by-one as I did with my 91 add-on :mrgreen:

Re: Kepler Planet Candidates

Posted: 13.03.2012, 19:34
by ajtribick
Deepwatcher wrote:I mean, it's a 2000 planets add-on, surely you can't have written and checked them all one-by-one as I did with my 91 add-on
The trick is to find the data online in a form that can easily be read by the computer, then processing that. It's then a case of filtering out objects which don't have all the required data: several of the stars do not have g-band magnitudes or g-r colour indices available which means I cannot get an estimate of the distances. You also need to remove obvious error cases, e.g. negative orbital periods, or planets with distances inside the star (this caused the orbital inclination calculation to produce complex numbers for the orbital elements, which Celestia didn't like very much!).

I will probably release further versions of this add-on to keep up with additions to the extrasolar planets catalogue files (the latest versions of which are available on the Celestia Subversion repository). As a further enhancement it might be interesting to take the transit durations into account to estimate the orbital eccentricities, as has been done for example in this paper, though the nature of the observation method means that the full orientation of the orbit cannot be determined.

Re: Kepler Planet Candidates

Posted: 13.03.2012, 22:33
by t00fri
ajtribick wrote:
t00fri wrote:I just tried to run your above Perl scripts (which are not CELX scripts, yet they are scripts ;-) ).

More seriously, the perl scripts produce errors since
kicdata.csv and
did not exist in your above zip archive.

I suppose these files serve as storage for the KOI data that one has to first download?
Yes, I put the details of how to get these in the header comments of the scripts. Unfortunately it doesn't look like the Kepler Input Catalog is available online except through a query form, which makes writing an automated download somewhat trickier.


when looking under, there are several routes to take from there, yet a (reasonably sized) downloadable file containing the candidates is missing. One route is to go via MAST. Another one to the interactive NASA Exoplanet archive. Another one to download the complete file of 761 MB ;-).

How about specifying a little bit more concise how to proceed and for which of the listings you devised your Perl script after all...


Re: Kepler Planet Candidates

Posted: 14.03.2012, 13:15
by Deepwatcher
I thought you did it with an automatized program, just giving the input files :D
Things in which i'm really bad at, i don't know anything of programming :roll: The first thing I've ever coded is right Celestia, which has a very simple and intuitive syntax...
The scripts are still out of my reach, i'll fix this as soon as university gives me the time :mrgreen:

I wanted to realize the kepler catalog as most accurate as possible, that's why I checked them one-by-one, to make every planet as most scientifically accurate as possible, I don't know if a program could have done this operation of judging and integrating... That's why I'm really interested in your work, that I've downloaded and right know I'm studying :mrgreen:

Anyway, I didn't physically wrote them one by one. I realized an Excel file with all the data available and calculated ones, and then used a Word function that in italian is called "Stampa unione", and it's translation is probably "Merge letters". So I obtained a rough file which I had to check.
I could do the same for the KIC catalog, i have an excel table with all of it, but the work of polishing and checking the final file would be enormous... :)

Re: Kepler Planet Candidates (revised 2012/05/14)

Posted: 14.05.2012, 22:55
by ajtribick
Updated to reflect addition of KOI-13 and KOI-872 into the latest versions of extrasolar.ssc/

Updated download and full details are now available in the first post of the thread.


v1.1 (2012/05/14)
  • Removed KOI-13 and KOI-872 (these are now included in standard extrasolar planets files)
  • Added marker script
  • Added J to 2MASS designations
  • Fixed Epoch bug
  • Changed significant figures in output files
  • Added download capability to

Re: Kepler Planet Candidates (revised 2012/05/14)

Posted: 15.05.2012, 07:01
by PlutonianEmpire
ajtribick wrote:Updated to reflect addition of KOI-13 and KOI-872 into the latest versions of extrasolar.ssc/

Updated download and full details are now available in the first post of the thread.


v1.1 (2012/05/14)
  • Removed KOI-13 and KOI-872
  • Added marker script
  • Added J to 2MASS designations
  • Fixed Epoch bug
  • Changed significant figures in output files
  • Added download capability to
You say "addition", but the changelog says "removed". Mistake, perhaps?