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Posted: 23.08.2020, 19:21
by toutatis
TRMM... revised and updated...

Posted: 23.08.2020, 19:23
by toutatis
CloudSat... revised and updated...

Posted: 24.08.2020, 10:58
by toutatis
ACRIMSAT... revised and updated...

Posted: 24.08.2020, 11:01
by toutatis
EO-1 (Earth Observing-1)... revised and updated...

Posted: 25.08.2020, 17:13
by toutatis
Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope... FGRST (FERMI-GLAST)... revised and updated...

Posted: 27.08.2020, 09:35
by toutatis
The oldest satellite in the space Vanguard-1 for Celestia users from toutatis.... I will finish work during few hours...

Vanguard-1 lost the race, but this satellite is still in orbit ...

Posted: 27.08.2020, 10:21
by jujuapapa
FYI : Vanguard 1 (ID: 1958-Beta 2) (March 17, 1958) is an American satellite that was the fourth artificial Earth orbital satellite to be successfully launched (following Sputnik 1, Sputnik 2, and Explorer 1).
Vanguard 1 was the first satellite to have solar electric power.
Although communication with the satellite was lost in 1964, it remains the oldest human-made object still in orbit.

Posted: 27.08.2020, 17:01
by toutatis
Vanguard 1...

Posted: 31.08.2020, 18:13
by toutatis

Posted: 01.09.2020, 12:12
by gironde
thank you Toutatis for all these updates and news
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Posted: 06.09.2020, 09:50
by toutatis
Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE)... base model from NASA... was modified and prepared for Celestia by Alexey Nesterov (toutatis)... orbital data (like and for all models of Earth satellites) from NORAD...

Posted: 06.09.2020, 16:58
by toutatis
AMSAT-OSCAR 7 ( AO-7).... modified model and updated orbital data...

Posted: 06.09.2020, 17:01
by toutatis
Atlas 5 Centaur R/B... updated...

Posted: 14.09.2020, 04:34
by toutatis
Russian the weather satellite Meteor-M1... for Celestia from toutatis... soon...

Next goal number 1 is... NASA infrared space telescope NEOWISE...
goal number 2 is... Russian satellite Resurs-DK1...

Posted: 14.09.2020, 05:11
by jujuapapa
baikonour is not far away! :wink:

Why don't you do more different models (chinese, japanese, russian, ...) ?

Posted: 14.09.2020, 08:16
by Goofy
Or, if I can give a suggestion, better models of important but neglected objects, e.g. the Skylab, that actually is really horrible in Celestia, or the Viking, same thing!
Just .
Goofy :smile:

Posted: 14.09.2020, 10:57
by toutatis
baikonour is not far away! :wink:

Why don't you do more different models (chinese, japanese, russian, ...) ?

Or, if I can give a suggestion, better models of important but neglected objects, e.g. the Skylab, that actually is really horrible in Celestia, or the Viking, same thing!

Guys... In real life I don't have too much a free time... for making 3d-models of satellites need a lot of time... and because I can't spend most of my time by using my computer (in my age it's dangerous for health), for making one new model need a several days or several weeks even... this job is for young guys... but I do it as I can...

Posted: 14.09.2020, 16:25
by Art Blos
toutatis wrote:Guys... In real life I don't have too much a free time... for making 3d-models of satellites need a lot of time... and because I can't spend most of my time by using my computer (in my age it's dangerous for health), for making one new model need a several days or several weeks even... this job is for young guys... but I do it as I can...
Our project is very grateful for what you are doing. Work at your own pace. :hi:

Posted: 14.09.2020, 18:00
by toutatis
Our project is very grateful for what you are doing. Work at your own pace.

Thanks very much Art Blos :smile:

Posted: 07.10.2020, 03:50
by toutatis
this work is progressing slowly (because I need to earn money) but still ongoing... step by step just like in real life...