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Posted: 06.06.2018, 02:13
by Croc
2 new satellite :
FUSE, telescope ultraviolet, NASA (1999)
GEOS-15 or GEOS-P : satellite meteo NASA (2010)
Ok! :clap: :clap: :clap: :smile: :smile: :smile:
PS. It would be closer to the original if the FUSE textures were in the form of a gold foil...


Posted: 06.06.2018, 02:26
by toutatis
I still testing a new model of Cassini-Huygens... I guess You all can see that it looks more realistic than all old models of this spacecraft which was made for Celestia...

Posted: 06.06.2018, 02:37
by Croc
I still testing a new model of Cassiny-Guygens... I guess You all can see that it looks more realistic than all old models of this spacecraft which was made for Celestia...
Ok! :clap: :clap: :clap: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Posted: 06.06.2018, 03:05
by toutatis
Yes, Cassini is a great spacecraft...

Posted: 06.06.2018, 06:54
by gironde
I agree with the gold leaf but curiously I can not put textures in action in cmodview. There is certainly something that escapes me, type of jpg or png file, parameters in cmodview.
Does someone have an idea ?

Posted: 06.06.2018, 07:17
by Art Blos
toutatis wrote:I still testing a new model of Cassini-Huygens... I guess You all can see that it looks more realistic than all old models of this spacecraft which was made for Celestia...
There are three options: with a probe, without a probe and a probe separately. We need all three options. The first two models should be oriented absolutely identical.

Posted: 06.06.2018, 10:42
by toutatis
There are three options: with a probe, without a probe and a probe separately. We need all three options. The first two models should be oriented absolutely identical.

Yes, I currently I have all three models...
and I corrected meshcentr of these models in SSC file and changed something... so new add-on is ready... but Art Blos... need only correct XYZV file...

Posted: 06.06.2018, 11:05
by toutatis
New Cassini-Huygens add-on... need only correct XYZV-file abit...

Posted: 06.06.2018, 11:13
by Art Blos
toutatis wrote:but Art Blos... need only correct XYZV file..
In "Celestia Origin" the trajectory is correct. Thanks for the model! :smile:

Posted: 06.06.2018, 11:14
by toutatis
I will correct XYZV-file... becoz is a three models in this add-on now... I guess it will be ready soon...

Added after 1 minute 14 seconds:
In "Celestia Origin" the trajectory is correct. Thanks for the model! :smile:

Yes. I know... it correct... but we have a three models now... so I said... :smile: :smile: :smile:

Posted: 06.06.2018, 12:08
by Croc
So, the Gironde has created a model of the launch vehicle.
I wrote a simple ssc-file to make this screenshot.
You need a xyz-file to start Proton-M from the Earth's surface until the 3rd stage is separated.
If in the future a Proton model is created without a third stage, then a xyz file will be needed from the moment of separation of the third stage to the moment of separation of the second stage.


Posted: 06.06.2018, 12:09
by toutatis
OMG... I forgot about a textures folder... without textures it looks not well... lol.. sorry... and I also corrected orientation in SSC file... some mins guys...

Added after 7 minutes 1 second:
it here...

Posted: 06.06.2018, 12:59
by Cham
The Curiosity model is already available elsewhere on the forum, fully texturized with normal mapping.

Posted: 06.06.2018, 13:35
by Croc
Модель Curiosity уже доступна в других местах форума, полностью текстурированная с нормальным отображением.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Posted: 06.06.2018, 14:45
by gironde

yes, Croc has pointed it out to me. I did not know and in addition we used the same original file.
There are transparencies that remain on our 2 cmods. Is it because of the texture files?


Added after 6 minutes 55 seconds:
LADEE, Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer, launched on 07-09-2013 by Nasa avair mission to study the atmosphere (exosphere) and the dust of the Moon in suspension.
The mission was to last 100 days and the altitude of the satellite had to be very low: 50km
end of mission: April 17, 2014.

Posted: 06.06.2018, 15:51
by Croc
LADEE, Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer
:clap: :clap: :clap: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Posted: 06.06.2018, 16:00
by Goofy
Hi Croc.
Could you please share your Proton's ssc file?
Thanks a lot.

Goofy :smile:

Posted: 06.06.2018, 16:44
by selden
Unexpected transparent surfaces often happen when a 32bit PNG image is used as a surface texture. The easiest fix is to use a jpeg image instead.

Posted: 06.06.2018, 17:31
by Goofy
Hi. :hi:
I wished to compare old and new Mars Odissey models, and here the result.

Old-New Mars Odissey.jpg

The new model improvement is really big, thanks a lot for making it.

Goofy :clap:

Posted: 06.06.2018, 17:45
by Croc
Hi Croc.
Could you please share your Proton's ssc file?
Thanks a lot.

Goofy :smile:

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