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Posted: 23.10.2021, 00:24
by SpaceExplorer

I'm new to this forum and also to Celestia. I'm just starting to learn how it all works, but I have a question about Celestia Origin. Why don't you put the download links for each addon that goes to Celestia Origin right here?

Posted: 23.10.2021, 11:39
by Art Blos
SpaceExplorer wrote:Why don't you put the download links for each addon that goes to Celestia Origin right here?
Many addons are already located separately in different parts of the forum. It makes no sense to collect all the links here.

Posted: 23.10.2021, 11:47
by trappistplanets
there are also those without there own release threads like the SPICE orbits for the planets because of technical issues

Posted: 01.11.2021, 18:19
by Art Blos
Added XYZV-trajectory for the Mars in the date range from 04.10.1957 to 16.09.2100.
Added 332 new locations. The total number is 1923.

Mars locs 1.png
Mars locs 2.png
Mars locs 3.png

Posted: 03.11.2021, 18:40
by Art Blos
Added XYZV-trajectory for the Ceres in the date range from 04.10.1957 to 08.07.2100.
Added 149 locations.

Ceres locs 1.png
Ceres locs 2.png

Posted: 05.11.2021, 13:51
by Art Blos
Added XYZV-trajectory for the Jupiter in the date range from 04.10.1957 to 12.02.2100.
Pioneer 11 flyby.png
Voyager 1 flyby.png
Ulysses flyby.png

Posted: 07.11.2021, 10:02
by Art Blos
Added XYZV-trajectory for the Saturn in the date range from 04.10.1957 to 21.01.2105.
Added 13 new locations. The total number is 33.

Saturn locs 1.png
Saturn locs 2.png
Saturn locs 3.png
Saturn locs 4.png

Posted: 11.11.2021, 18:39
by Art Blos
Added the third moon of the (130) Elektra - S/2014 (130) 2.
The parameters of all bodies in this system have been updated.

130 Elektra.png

Posted: 16.11.2021, 15:09
by Art Blos
Added XYZV-trajectory for the Uranus in the date range from 04.10.1957 to 21.10.2125.
Added 8 new locations. The total number is 18.

Uranus locs 1.png
Uranus locs 2.png
Uranus locs 3.png

Posted: 17.11.2021, 10:20
by gironde
post canceled

Posted: 17.11.2021, 15:44
by Art Blos
gironde wrote:Of the first 93 numbered asteroids, the following are a problem.
All models are working correctly. Where did you get this "problem", I do not know.
Model test.png

Posted: 17.11.2021, 16:28
by gironde
post canceled

Posted: 17.11.2021, 16:36
by Art Blos
gironde wrote:Here is a screenshot with celestia-log edited and in the center the asteroid 94 Aurora using 94_aurora.cmod
When I use asteroid-large.cmod I can see Aurora well.
Is this the same issue as I encountered with DaveBowman2001's Starlink cmod? (an 'obj to cmod' conversion not fully compatible on all graphics cards)
I converted all the light curve models using everywhere the same algorithm. If there is some problem with the models or with the video card, then all such models would not work, and not just the above 93 asteroids.

Posted: 17.11.2021, 16:59
by gironde
post canceled

Posted: 17.11.2021, 17:03
by Art Blos
gironde wrote:I didn't say they were the only ones. Those from n ° 2 to n ° 19 work correctly and for the moment I have not tested beyond n ° 94.
What is amazing is that I installed your models from the April 30 edition and did not notice any malfunction. So is this a windows 10 update that would have made them impossible to read in celestia because I repeat they are correctly opened in cmodview?
No answer. I have not come across this. Everything worked on different systems (I'm on Windows 11 now). Have someone else test the above models.

Posted: 17.11.2021, 17:05
by Art Blos
Added XYZV-trajectory for the Neptune in the date range from 13.03.1935 to 01.01.2100.
Added 3 new locations. The total number is 5.

Neptune locs.png
Voyager 2.png

Posted: 18.11.2021, 16:41
by gironde
post canceled

Posted: 20.11.2021, 07:05
by gironde
I wrote
I found where the problem comes from

oddly, a file called for example 256_walpurga.cmod must be loaded by Mesh "256 walpurga.cmod".
A space replaces the underscore (_)
And in this case the file is found and loaded
It's bad !

I come to do my 'mea culpa' because I got confused with this .cmod story
I have a particular build of celestia so that I can use Celestia 1.6.1 and with the same files without having to repeat them. It works by building the 2 celestia.cfg for this purpose. But some files like basic 'models' and 'textures' (in the root of celestia) are not 'exportable' in celestia.cfg. And with time I forgot it; So I tried to correct some errors in a file that Celestia never called.
So there you have it, Celestia Origin's .cmod files are correct, the '_' character is recognized and the name used in Mesh must be the same as that of the 'models' folder.
I apologize to Art Blos for worrying him for no reason.

:pray: :pray: :pray:

Added after 1 hour 32 minutes:
In LUT5, in the renderBox.lua module the following instructions are extra and are useless. They were probably trials and stayed in the final version:
lines 88 to 91

Code: Select all

starStyleLeftOffset = guideLeftOffset - 2
starStyleUpOffset = 9 + 20 * (nguide + 2)
textureResLeftOffset = guideLeftOffset - 2
textureResUpOffset = 9 + 20 * (nguide + 3)

in config.lua the table renderclass is not adequate :

Code: Select all

renderclass =
        "",                -- Group Separation Mark
        "Open Clusters",         
        "",-- "9", --"Planets",
        "",-- "10", --"Dwarf Planets",
        "",-- "11", --"Moon",       
        "",-- "12", --"Minor Moon",
        "13", --"Asteroid",
        "14", --"Comet",
        "15", --"Spacecraft",

"9", "10", "11", "12" are programmed in the code ('if k == 9 then' ... elseif k == 10 then ... and the following) but not implemented in config.lua
"13, "14", "15" are implemented in config.lua but are not programmed in the code, and instructions are missing
elseif k == 13 then ...
elseif k == 14 then ...
elseif k == 15 then ...

in the choice of Celestia Origin renderclas must be:

Code: Select all

renderclass =

        "",  -- 1 Group Separation Mark
        "Constellations", -- 2                   
        "Galaxies", -- 3         
        "Globulars", -- 4         
        "Open Clusters", -- 5       
        "Nebulae", -- 6
        "Stars", -- 7               
        "Planets", -- 8
        "",-- "9", --"Planets",
        "",-- "10", --"Dwarf Planets",
        "",-- "11", --"Moon",       
        "",-- "12", --"Minor Moon",
        "", -- "13" --"Asteroid",
        "", -- "14" --"Comet",
        "", -- "15" --"Spacecraft",

my renderclass withh all is:

Code: Select all

renderClass   = -- not move the order -- table of Class of 15 objects
      "",               -- 1 - for label "Constell. in Latin"
      "Constellations",   -- 2 - constellations
      "Galaxies",         -- 3 - galaxies
      "Globulars",      -- 4 - globular clusters
      "Open Clusters",   -- 5 - open clusters
      "Nebulae",         -- 6 - nelulae
      "Stars",         -- 7 - Star
      "",               -- 8 - in celestia, everything that revolves around the stars "Planets (class)",
         "9",         -- 9  -      AllPlanet
         "10",         -- 10 -      AllDwarfPlanets
         "11",         -- 11 -      AllMoons
         "12",         -- 12 -      AllMinorMoons
         "13",         -- 13 -      AllAsteroids
         "14",         -- 14 -      AllComets
         "15",         -- 15 -      AllSpacecrafts

In addition, for functionalities "9" to "15" to be operational, an object table is needed for each.

my renderBox with all functionalities (in french)
Sans titre 2.jpg

Posted: 25.11.2021, 09:29
by gironde
here you will find my renderBox.lua module as well as my object tables for this module and the settings to modify in config.lua

Remember that when you make modifications in Lua_applications, it is highly preferable to make a backup of your modules before modifications (here tools / renderBox.lua and config.lua)
(69.36 KiB) Downloaded 262 times

Posted: 04.12.2021, 13:19
by Art Blos
Added XYZV-trajectory for the Orcus in the date range from 04.10.1957 to 19.10.2203.
Assigned the class of "dwarf planet".

Orcus orbit.png
Orbit difference.png