too many addons in Celestia : one solution

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gironde M
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too many addons in Celestia : one solution

Post #1by gironde » 15.08.2024, 09:28

After having all these spacecrafts for 10 years, incorporated 700000 asteroids, set up so many stars, nebulae, galaxies and clusters
my different computers are demanding more and more internal memory (currently 16 GB).
I decided to launch Celestia with the categories of objects on demand.

To do this, I created new extras folders:
- extras asteroids
- extras spacecrafts
- extras extrasolar systems
and in each one are all the addons concerned.

In celestia.cfg, I declared all these new folders in the 'extras' section
"C:/Users/Public/Celestia extra/Celestia add/extras"
#"C:/Users/Public/Celestia extra/Celestia add/extras extrasolar systems"
#"C:/Users/Public" /Celestia extra/Celestia add/extras spacecrafts"
#"C:/Users/Public/Celestia extra/Celestia add/extras asteroids unnumbered"
"C:/Users/Public/Celestia extra/Celestia add/extras asteroids"

the path C:/Users/Public/Celestia extra/Celestia add/ is the path where I store my extras, it can be different of course.

The lines preceded by # are comments and are not loaded by celestia and neither are the ssc, data, textures and models files

I can thus visualize the 720000 asteroids without crashing.

John Van Vliet
Posts: 2949
Joined: 28.08.2002
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Post #2by John Van Vliet » 16.08.2024, 03:20

on linux i just change the file permission of the addon folder in my spice solarsystem folder
if the program can not read the data then the addon dose not load

Posts: 11
Joined: 02.08.2010
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Post #3by ParticleGrasp » 30.08.2024, 15:53

Celestia has a --conf parameter to point to a specific configuration file.

As our good friend gironde points out, the extras file structure and the configuration entry ExtrasDirectories can be modified.

I have several .cfg files, each one only includes the objects of interest I want to see.

For my only exoplanets config I have:

Code: Select all

ExtrasDirectories  [ "extras/Exoplanets" ]

And my shortcut:

Code: Select all

C:\PathToProgramLib\Celestia\celestia.exe --conf OnlyExo.cfg

The same approach seems likely in Linux, but I wouldn't know how to implement it.

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