2022 NEOs

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gironde M
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Post #61by gironde » 11.11.2022, 11:51

error in 2022 NEOs 11-7-2022

2022 SC1 is 2 times in the file
the first one is 2022 SC1 (Epoch 2459840.5)
the second is 2022 SC2 (Epoch 2459800.5)

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Post #62by Anthony_B_Russo10 » 21.11.2022, 04:46

A third update within a month, been a while. With this update I would like to thank both Dave Bowman and SevenSphere for helping me figure out how to set up the end date parameter for 2022 WJ1 and any future NEOs that become impactors.
Current Object Count: 1305 objects, 1303 NEOs, 2 Main Belt Objects.
Featured NEO: 2022 WJ1 (note this shortly before impact).
2022-11-20 (2).png

(Note: 2022 WJ1 does not impact Earth within Celestia possibly due to the default orbit used for Earth.)
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Anthony B. Russo, I like Pluto. Mod of the Celestia subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Celestiasoftware/
I have over 40 computers, trying to list them here would be a pain.
Responsible for the NEO catalog: https://celestiaproject.space/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=22203
And mod of the Discord server.

gironde M
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Post #63by gironde » 21.11.2022, 10:58

warning !
2022 MO11 is written "2022 M011" "Sol"

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Post #64by Anthony_B_Russo10 » 12.02.2023, 05:08

Back again with an update and a backlog of 4 months.
Current NEO count: 1477, 1475 NEOs, 2 Main Belt Objects.
Featured NEO: 2022 TU1
(567.44 KiB) Downloaded 172 times
Anthony B. Russo, I like Pluto. Mod of the Celestia subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Celestiasoftware/
I have over 40 computers, trying to list them here would be a pain.
Responsible for the NEO catalog: https://celestiaproject.space/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=22203
And mod of the Discord server.

gironde M
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Post #65by gironde » 12.02.2023, 14:03

In 2022_NEOs-02-11-2023

this asteroids are 2 times
2022 SK21, 2022 SL21, 2022 SL49, 2022 SM49, 2022 SN21, 2022 SP21, 2022 SQ21,
2022 ST21, 2022 SU21, 2022 SV21, 2022 SW48, 2022 SX48, 2022 SK21, 2022 TB

this asteroid is 6 times
2022 SV48

"2022 SL21" "Sol" # same as other
"2022 SL49" "Sol" # same as other
"2022 SM49" "Sol" # same as other
"2022 SN21" "Sol" ## does not match this asteroid
"2022 SN49" "Sol" # same as other
"2022 SP21" "Sol" # same as other
"2022 SQ21" "Sol" ## does not match this asteroid
"2022 ST21" "Sol" # same as other
"2022 SU21" "Sol" ## does not match this asteroid
"2022 SV21" "Sol" ## does not match this asteroid
"2022 SV48" "Sol" # same as other
"2022 SV48" "Sol" # same as other
"2022 SV48" "Sol" # same as other
"2022 SV48" "Sol" # same as other
"2022 SW48" "Sol" # same as other
"2022 SX48" "Sol" # same as other
"2022 SK21" "Sol" # same as other
"2022 TB" "Sol" # same as other

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Post #66by Anthony_B_Russo10 » 12.02.2023, 15:36

I checked 2022 TB and didn't see anything wrong, though I didn't check the others as I did the check on my phone which really can deal with a text file of that length, but as a question what is the specific error in the file as I can't see anything glaring?
Anthony B. Russo, I like Pluto. Mod of the Celestia subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Celestiasoftware/
I have over 40 computers, trying to list them here would be a pain.
Responsible for the NEO catalog: https://celestiaproject.space/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=22203
And mod of the Discord server.

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Post #67by Anthony_B_Russo10 » 13.02.2023, 06:30

Time for a quick update feature two objects discovered this year, 2023 BU and 2023 CX1.
2023 BU grazed past Earth back on January 27th and 2023 CX1 recently burned up over Norther France at around 3AM (I will update the ending date in the addon once I get an accurate date for burn up).
For Footage of 2023 CX1's burn up see the following three videos:
Thanks to ---n3--- for finding these along with posting the news of 2023 CX1 prior to impact.
Also note, 2023 BU uses the default orbital data present from the SBDB and may have some issues for it's fly by so if you want a more accurate version see John Van Vliet's 2023 BU addon: https://celestia.space/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=23838
Current Object Count: 1479 objects, 1477 NEOs, 2 Main Belt Objects.
Featured NEOs: 2023 BU at current date and 2023 CX1 prior to impact.
2023-02-13 (1).png

(567.94 KiB) Downloaded 173 times
Anthony B. Russo, I like Pluto. Mod of the Celestia subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Celestiasoftware/
I have over 40 computers, trying to list them here would be a pain.
Responsible for the NEO catalog: https://celestiaproject.space/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=22203
And mod of the Discord server.

gironde M
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Post #68by gironde » 13.02.2023, 07:10

for example for 2022 TB, it is found in line 42652 and line 42952.
It is the same for all those I quote.

For some it is exactly the same but for others they are different but with the same name like:
"2022 SN21" "Sol" lines 40792 and 41062
"2022 SQ21" "Sol" lines 40852 and 41122
"2022 SU21" "Sol" lines 40912 and 41182
"2022 SV21" "Sol" lines 40942 and 41212

simple copy :
"2022 SL21" "Sol" lines 40763 and 41032
"2022 SL49" "Sol" lines 42562 and 42862
"2022 SM49" "Sol" lines 42592 and 42892
"2022 SN49" "Sol" lines 42622 and 42922
"2022 SP21" "Sol" lines 40822 and 41092
"2022 ST21" "Sol" lines 40882 and 41152
"2022 SV48" "Sol" lines 42472, 42682, 42712, 42742, and 42772
"2022 SW48" "Sol" lines 42502 and 42802
"2022 SX48" "Sol" lines 42532 and 42832
"2022 SK21" "Sol" lines 40734 and 41002
"2022 TB" "Sol" lines 42652 and 42952

(line numbers are provided by the notepad++ editor)

For the four that are different duplicates, I haven't found which asteroids they correspond to
Visibly, their 'Elliptical Orbit' data is at Epoch different, the rest of the data is the same.

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Post #69by Anthony_B_Russo10 » 13.02.2023, 20:08

I removed all the duplicates, they were possibly left over from the process is use to batch add the objects. The four that had odd data were most likely due to the same process I just have no clue how they managed to get there since I added those in over a month ago. Though please do tell me if I am missing any objects from the September period from last year that these objects were observed in in case I missed one and thanks for the clarification on the issue.
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Anthony B. Russo, I like Pluto. Mod of the Celestia subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Celestiasoftware/
I have over 40 computers, trying to list them here would be a pain.
Responsible for the NEO catalog: https://celestiaproject.space/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=22203
And mod of the Discord server.

gironde M
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Post #70by gironde » 14.02.2023, 08:58

Though please do tell me if I am missing any objects from the September period from last year...

If I see any, I'll let you know. I myself am making the asteroids file for the year 2023 (Full name) based on Small-Body Database Query. I know it's a big job. :hi:

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Post #71by Anthony_B_Russo10 » 14.02.2023, 17:13

Ah, make it easier to keep an up to date catalog, since I had planned to add objects from 2023, so having multiple people working on a catalog will make it easier to keep up to date.
Anthony B. Russo, I like Pluto. Mod of the Celestia subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Celestiasoftware/
I have over 40 computers, trying to list them here would be a pain.
Responsible for the NEO catalog: https://celestiaproject.space/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=22203
And mod of the Discord server.

gironde M
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Post #72by gironde » 20.02.2023, 13:27

clarification: I work on all the asteroids of the year 2023 and not just the NEOs

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Post #73by Anthony_B_Russo10 » 20.02.2023, 23:10

Ah ok
Anthony B. Russo, I like Pluto. Mod of the Celestia subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Celestiasoftware/
I have over 40 computers, trying to list them here would be a pain.
Responsible for the NEO catalog: https://celestiaproject.space/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=22203
And mod of the Discord server.

gironde M
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Post #74by gironde » 21.02.2023, 09:29

If you are only interested in NEOs, it is easy to select them (with notepad++).
You must successively choose AmorFamily, AmorFamilyPha, ApolloFamily, ApolloFamilyPha, AtenFamily, AtenFamilyPha, and take them out of the file to copy them into another.


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Post #75by Anthony_B_Russo10 » 21.02.2023, 17:10

Ah ok, thanks for the info on tip on copying them.
Anthony B. Russo, I like Pluto. Mod of the Celestia subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Celestiasoftware/
I have over 40 computers, trying to list them here would be a pain.
Responsible for the NEO catalog: https://celestiaproject.space/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=22203
And mod of the Discord server.

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