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How to export Simbad data into an stc file?

Posted: 14.07.2020, 08:22
by nussun
So i'm working for a RSG catalog for celestia, and I would want someone to make a tutorial for me on how to export simbad data (from criteria query) into an STC file. The query i'm using is:
I will also need a way for it to get the variable star designation if it exists, and put it as the first name of the star unless there is a Bayer/Flamsteed designation.
I also want a way to import stellar radii into the file from TIC v8, and wikipedia (which i will do manually). (1 Rsol = 696,156 km)

Added after 3 minutes 3 seconds:
btw sorry if this is not the right forum category for this

Posted: 14.07.2020, 14:30
by SevenSpheres
So first go to the output options page. Check the box next to "parallax", change the coordinates from sexagesimal to decimal, and under "Output format", select "separator for spreadsheet" and "file output". It should look like this:

Click "Save", then go to the criteria search and enter your query again. A file should download called "simbad.csv". The CSV file isn't correctly formatted, so you need to fix this. Select the first column, then go to "Data" -> "Text to Columns". Select "Delimited", then "Semicolon", then "Finish". Click "OK" in the dialog box asking to confirm.
To get designations other than the SIMBAD default one (e.g. HIP, TYC, variable), you have to go back to the output options page and under "Identifier", select "from catalog list" and enter the name of the catalog (for variable stars this is "V*"). You may have to clear browsing data and save again for the new output options to take effect. In each case, download the new CSV file and fix the formatting as before.
As for turning those CSVs into an STC, you can either write a script to do it, or do it entirely in Excel (Luke will have to explain how to do the latter). No idea on how to export the TIC data.