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New Images at TeXfoundry gallery

Posted: 17.09.2002, 21:31
by t00fri
There are 3 new hires images at my Texfoundry Gallery,

First amazing results with /dynamical/ hires bumpmapping, e.g. 16k earth with 8k bumpmap jpg.


Bye Fridger

Posted: 17.09.2002, 22:11
by WOW

Posted: 17.09.2002, 22:37
by t00fri
WOW wrote:WOW!!

Yes, it is going to be fun, once the hires bumpfiles work with dds format;-)

I have added one more bump-image:

Note the striking difference of the same view of "Los Andes" at sunset and at sunrise...

Bye Fridger

Posted: 18.09.2002, 01:09
by Rassilon
Beautiful work!

Download texture

Posted: 18.09.2002, 07:37
by Guest
Beautifill, Fridger, When will be able to download the textures . We fill rather squizzed.
BTW, Thank you again for your help in CVS, The last 125CVS works beautifully (under windows!!), I don't have time presently to dwork with Linux , some minor problems with mandrake8.2 (mandrake is the loved version of linux for french guys?!!

Download texture

Posted: 18.09.2002, 07:43
by t00fri
Anonymous wrote:Frdger
Beautifill, Fridger, When will be able to download the textures . We fill rather squizzed.
BTW, Thank you again for your help in CVS, The last 125CVS works beautifully (under windows!!), I don't have time presently to dwork with Linux , some minor problems with mandrake8.2 (mandrake is the loved version of linux for french guys?!!

Thanks. I am working hard to find a way to get those very long files into the TeXfoundry site. Note, it is not a technical problem at this point but rather serious professional constraints...
The shorter ones I plan to upload within the next days.

Bye Fridger

Download texture

Posted: 18.09.2002, 13:03
by Axel

t00fri wrote:Thanks. I am working hard to find a way to get those very long files into the TeXfoundry site. Note, it is not a technical problem at this point but rather serious professional constraints...
The shorter ones I plan to upload within the next days.

Bye Fridger

thanks for the effort you put into this. :)

CU, Axel

Posted: 18.09.2002, 19:54
by Darkmiss
you can almost see my House, in one of those pictures :lol:

Posted: 18.09.2002, 20:12
by Mikeydude750
Now, all we need after that stuff works on Celestia is Displacement mapping, nebulae, and a few other things.

Posted: 18.09.2002, 23:28
by ctx1769
:D those are excellent pictures

Posted: 20.09.2002, 18:04
by stonedyak
what exactly is dynamic bump mapping (as opposed to 'normal' bump mapping?)

Posted: 20.09.2002, 18:22
by t00fri
stonedyak wrote:what exactly is dynamic bump mapping (as opposed to 'normal' bump mapping?)

Besides the RGB texture for an object, one needs in any case another file, a level map, that typically encodes the altitudes at a given spot in form of a grayscale image. Let me call this file: bumpfile.

With this file you may perform "static" bumpmapping by using software like Gimp or Photoshop. In this case you must once for all assign the direction of light incidence and the altitude of the light source. After pushing a button, you get an "altitude"-enhanced image where the "sun" shines always from the same relative direction, independent of its actual position...Certainly a compromise.

"Dynamical" bumpmapping performs the same process as function of the actual position of the light source within the application (Celestia).

This gives e.g. completely different shadow patterns in the morning and the evening, etc...

Bye Fridger

Posted: 20.09.2002, 18:26
by abiogenesis
Static bumpmapping is just an image processing trick where shadows are added to the image where they should be based on the assumed topology of the terrain. So the shadows look the same on the texture regardless of where the light is coming from. Not realistic.

Dynamic bumpmapping, on the other hand, is an extra texture that specifies the "normals" at each pixel. This information can be used at run-time to modify the lighting characteristics of the texture. So the shadows will change as the position of the light, relative to the texture, changes. This is much more realistic and pleasing to the eye.

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