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CELX file on a Mac DON't Run?? (edit) No Open GL on a PC

Posted: 30.06.2006, 21:25
by DonAVP
I cannot get CELX files to work on my Mac? I copied the *.lua files from a PC to the Mac. CELX files run on the PC. I looked for Doc's on the Mac for running these file and could find only that they are able to run. :?:

Thanks in advance

Mac G5 Dual 2Ghz, 1GB RAM, ATI Radeon 9600 video, OS X 10.4.6 Tiger

Re: CELX file on a Mac DON't Run??

Posted: 01.07.2006, 00:57
by dirkpitt
DonAVP wrote:I cannot get CELX files to work on my Mac? I copied the *.lua files from a PC to the Mac. CELX files run on the PC. I looked for Doc's on the Mac for running these file and could find only that they are able to run. :?:

Thanks in advance

Mac G5 Dual 2Ghz, 1GB RAM, ATI Radeon 9600 video, OS X 10.4.6 Tiger

This is probably because somewhere in the PC celx script is a Windows-style file path with backslashes (e.g., "scripts\something\something.celx").

Any backslashes should be changed to forward slashes (/) on the Mac (and on Linux too, for that matter).

Posted: 01.07.2006, 03:01
by DonAVP
Thanks I will check that out.

To change the subject from Mac to PC. I launched Celestia on the PC today. I had not launched it for a week or so. The program ran as normal but without a sun, stars or earth (no open GL). The open script worked and the data in the corners of the windows were on. Confused I changed the name of the Celestia folder and reinstalled the program 1.4.1. Still not luck. I had installed a MS update for the XP OS yesterday and thought that something had missed with the Video. I uninstalled and reinstalled the video drivers from Nvidia. I am running a GForce 3 card. Still no luck. Were should I look or change? The video driver list in the help pulldown looked OK. However I don't really know if a subroutine or something is missing.

Thanks in Advance

PS I am running Celestia at home on a older PIII dual w/ WIn2000. Works fine here.

Posted: 01.07.2006, 12:15
by dirkpitt
Can't help you out with PC issues I'm afraid. It sounds like you've tried everything I would've tried.

Posted: 01.07.2006, 15:02
by selden
I'm having no problems on the PCs that I use. They both run WinXP Pro SP2 and have all the current MS patches, with different models of Nvidia graphics cards.

Have you tried disabling hardware acceleration?
That'll cause the system to use the MS software OpenGL drivers, which should work, although slowly.

Have you tried running any other OpenGL applications? (e.g. Anim8or)

Do any Direct-X programs work? (e.g. Orbiter)