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How big is you Celestia Directory now ?

Posted: 11.09.2002, 23:03
by Darkmiss
How big has your Celestia directory grown, since you first installed it.
after adding new textures and add-ons, and so on..

My directory is now 140 meg :o

Posted: 11.09.2002, 23:23
by Puduku
Mine is 472 Mo :) whaou ! I should really clean it some time

Posted: 12.09.2002, 00:35
by Don. Edwards
Which one?
I have 3 diferent installs on 3 diferent hard drives. Each install is for a different purpose. One is for testing my textures. One is for testing everyone elses textures. And of course one is for the newest install or up to date prerelease.
All totaled it adds up to 679MB and growing daily at the rate I am making textures. I made 97.8mb worth just yesterday alone. Check my post in the textures section under My LunarCell and check what I did on the second page.

Posted: 12.09.2002, 01:08
by abiogenesis
Lets see, my default Celestia install is about 150MB with textures and add-ons and such. My Mostly Harmless installation, however, comes in just under 9GB (that's Gigabytes). All those extra solar systems take up a lot of space!

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Posted: 12.09.2002, 02:34
by TVTExtreme4
My 2 Celestia Directories sizes added together is 33.8mb because I have a dial-up connection and I dont like to spend a lot of time to download stuff.

Posted: 12.09.2002, 02:59
by Rassilon
hehe 643 megs in one directory....and growing...

5.15 GB

Posted: 12.09.2002, 06:15
by t00fri
[] ~ # du Textures
48 Textures/
156652 Textures/
624 Textures/
214756 Textures/
64 Textures/BlueMarble/.xvpics
753608 Textures/BlueMarble
68 Textures/mars-moon/.xvpics
925780 Textures/mars-moon
16 Textures/org/.xvpics
32932 Textures/org
155032 Textures/RedMars/final1
76 Textures/RedMars/.xvpics
13860 Textures/RedMars/org
389184 Textures/RedMars
8 Textures/Pixel/.xvpics
66920 Textures/Pixel
10844 Textures/euro
8 Textures/final/.xvpics
435948 Textures/final/src
603256 Textures/final
1600 Textures/jupiter
12 Textures/earth21k-16k/.xvpics
1309656 Textures/earth21k-16k
168068 Textures/final1
16 Textures/.xvpics
5150996 Textures

Translation for Windows users: 5.15 GB;-)

Bye Fridger

Posted: 12.09.2002, 12:02
by Darkmiss
Bloody hell, guys 8O 8O 8O
I thought my Directory was big

the bigest file I have is a 43 meg file :roll:

What is "Mostly Harmless" all about :?:

Posted: 12.09.2002, 14:47
by t00fri
Darkmiss wrote:Bloody hell, guys 8O 8O 8O
I thought my Directory was big

the bigest file I have is a 43 meg file :roll:

What is "Mostly Harmless" all about :?:

Well, a main reason for the large size of my Texture directory has to do with the fact that during the development of new /large size/ textures (via Gimp) it is very advisable to store /complete/ intermediate results including layers, channels etc at the various stages...


a) color correction only
b) including unsharp masking +a)
c) including static bumpmapping +b) +a)

The real big textures usually require a /tedious/ going forth and back to any of a)..c):


1) save as *.xcf (Gimp) file since everything will be saved, loading is way faster and memory handling much more economical.

2) convert *.xcf => *.tga

3) reboot Linux to Windows and convert the thing to *.dds
(other formats for such big textures would simply "freeze" Celestia)

4) try it out: too bad, the sea is still too blue;-) => return to (1) a), or b) or c).

Bye Fridger

Posted: 12.09.2002, 15:26
by abiogenesis
Darkmiss wrote:What is "Mostly Harmless" all about :?:

Mostly Harmless is the Celestia mod that is aiming to make an interstellar commerce game a la Elite. The textures are only 110MB, but the data files for all of the randomly generated solar systems (about 10 planets for each star!) is huge: 8.87GB. That's probably cheating because the thread specifically mentioned textures, but it's still pretty big. :)

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Posted: 12.09.2002, 16:22
by Astrobot
I've 754 Mb. And about 600 are all the extras I've downloaded.

I'm thinking in record all in a CD, and if I need an extra, only insert the CD.

Posted: 12.09.2002, 16:28
by Sum0
Wow. 478Mb. God knows what all it actually is... Textures can't come to that, surely?

Posted: 12.09.2002, 17:12
by Puduku
Yes Darkmiss I thought mine was big too !! And I "only" got 330 Mo of textures, compared to the 5 Go of Fridger !!!!

Posted: 12.09.2002, 18:27
by Redfish
Mine is only 297... :(

I won

Posted: 12.09.2002, 22:15
by Guest
Mine is about 6!!! <- (megabytes :lol: )

Posted: 12.09.2002, 22:55
by Miserableman
1.12 GB in total, mostly texture masters.

Posted: 12.09.2002, 23:50
by Azagoth
374MB, the biggest texture I have is the 16k Earth dds (87MB)

5.15 GB

Posted: 13.09.2002, 00:06
by Rassilon
t00fri wrote:[] ~ # du Textures
48 Textures/
156652 Textures/
624 Textures/
214756 Textures/
64 Textures/BlueMarble/.xvpics
753608 Textures/BlueMarble
68 Textures/mars-moon/.xvpics
925780 Textures/mars-moon
16 Textures/org/.xvpics
32932 Textures/org
155032 Textures/RedMars/final1
76 Textures/RedMars/.xvpics
13860 Textures/RedMars/org
389184 Textures/RedMars
8 Textures/Pixel/.xvpics
66920 Textures/Pixel
10844 Textures/euro
8 Textures/final/.xvpics
435948 Textures/final/src
603256 Textures/final
1600 Textures/jupiter
12 Textures/earth21k-16k/.xvpics
1309656 Textures/earth21k-16k
168068 Textures/final1
16 Textures/.xvpics
5150996 Textures

Translation for Windows users: 5.15 GB;-)

Bye Fridger

damn dds need a DVD burner?

Posted: 30.09.2002, 07:27
by marc
Ive improved on the mostlyharmless system generator. It uses gzipped ssc files and gets the full install size down to 2gig rather that 10gig.

Im yet to do a full install of it with the larger star database of 2 million stars ,

at this stage it probably wont work as im only catering for 4 directories of 30,000 star each. It will get as far as the closest 120,000 stars to sol.
To go further Ill either need to have 70 odd directories, or put all the data into a single file (mabey I should have taken this approach from the start).

If I get round to this the MH installation will be 25gig and will take a few days to if the game gets finished no-one will ever be able to explore it all. :D

Posted: 30.09.2002, 15:10
by abiogenesis
I tried a full MH install with the 2 Mil star database. It didn't work. :( After about five hours it says there's an error with fread or fscanf or some other file IO function. It doesn't appear to generate nearly as many planets as I had hoped. The vast majority of stars have no planets. The HabitablePlanets.htm file, however, is about 300MB, and there are 71 directories under random.

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