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Problems with Celestia 1.2.5 prerelease

Posted: 08.09.2002, 20:27
by Alfred Schott
Hi, Celstia-Friends,

Celestia 1.2.5 prerelease 1 and 2 do not start on my computer (CPU = 500 MHz, HDD = 5 GB (2 GB free), RAM = 64 MB, System Windows 98 2nd edition).

There is following Message:" Diese Anwendung wird aufgrund eines
ung?ltigen Vorgangs geschlossen.
Wenden Sie sich an den Hersteller,
falls das Problem weiterhin besteht."

Translated in english by myself:" This application is closed due to an
invalid procedure."
Contact the manufacturer,
if the problem exists further."

Celestia 1.2.4 is working very well except the eclipse-sh?dows.
With the eclipse-shadows I have the same problem as described by
"ET00" on Aug. 22nd, 10.23 pm

Is there anyone who can help me!

Kind regards

Alfred Schott

Wiesbaden/ Germany


Posted: 09.09.2002, 10:15
by Astrojockel
Hi Alfred.

and now i continue in German. Welche Grafikkarte benutzt Du ? Und die Treiberversion. Als erstes w?rde ich den Treiber aktuallisieren. Wenn das schon geschehen ist, ?berpr?fe die Einstellungen. Speziell die f?r OpenGL. Standardeinstellungen benutzen, wenn m?glich ! Benutzt Du evt. eine eigene Textur f?r die Erde (z.B ?

Astrojockel aus dem sch?nen Rheingau :D

Re: Problems with Celestia 1.2.5 prerelease

Posted: 11.10.2003, 12:20
by Guest
Alfred Schott wrote:Hi, Celstia-Friends,

Celestia 1.2.5 prerelease 1 and 2 do not start on my computer (CPU = 500 MHz, HDD = 5 GB (2 GB free), RAM = 64 MB, System Windows 98 2nd edition).

There is following Message:" Diese Anwendung wird aufgrund eines
ung?ltigen Vorgangs geschlossen.
Wenden Sie sich an den Hersteller,
falls das Problem weiterhin besteht."

Translated in english by myself:" This application is closed due to an
invalid procedure."
Contact the manufacturer,
if the problem exists further."

Celestia 1.2.4 is working very well except the eclipse-sh?dows.
With the eclipse-shadows I have the same problem as described by
"ET00" on Aug. 22nd, 10.23 pm

Is there anyone who can help me!

Kind regards

Alfred Schott

Wiesbaden/ Germany


The start-problem has been solved since I've loaded Celestia 1.3.0
on June 14th 2003. The problem withe the eclypse shadows
exist further.
Alfred Schott

Re: Problems with Celestia 1.2.5 prerelease

Posted: 02.05.2004, 13:28
by Guest
Anonymous wrote:
Alfred Schott wrote:Hi, Celstia-Friends,

Celestia 1.2.5 prerelease 1 and 2 do not start on my computer (CPU = 500 MHz, HDD = 5 GB (2 GB free), RAM = 64 MB, System Windows 98 2nd edition).

There is following Message:" Diese Anwendung wird aufgrund eines
ung?ltigen Vorgangs geschlossen.
Wenden Sie sich an den Hersteller,
falls das Problem weiterhin besteht."

Translated in english by myself:" This application is closed due to an
invalid procedure."
Contact the manufacturer,
if the problem exists further."

Celestia 1.2.4 is working very well except the eclipse-sh?dows.
With the eclipse-shadows I have the same problem as described by
"ET00" on Aug. 22nd, 10.23 pm

Is there anyone who can help me!

Kind regards

Alfred Schott

Wiesbaden/ Germany


The start-problem has been solved since I've loaded Celestia 1.3.0
on June 14th 2003. The problem withe the eclypse shadows
exist further.
Alfred Schott

The problem with the ecypse shadows is solved too
since I've installed celestia 1.3.1

Alfred Schott

Re: Problems with Celestia 1.2.5 prerelease

Posted: 02.05.2004, 20:55
by Adirondack
Anonymous wrote:The problem with the ecypse shadows is solved too
since I've installed celestia 1.3.1

Alfred Schott

Hallo Alfred,
Du warst wohl eine Weile abwesend, wenn Du heute erst 1.3.1 entdeckt hast... :wink:

It seems Alfred has been absent for a while... :wink: