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ISS very very bright

Posted: 18.04.2006, 12:45
by elvis-21
Hi there,

I like celestia very much, and I have downloaded and installed several Add-Ins successfully. There is only one weird Problem:

The ISS looks like that for me:

Very bright and no shading.
SOMETIMES, when I rotate it, in some angles it looks nice with shading and stuff:

This is the first issue, the second one is that if the ISS is behind the earth, it's still bright. That would be the smaller problem.

Please help me!!


Posted: 18.04.2006, 13:30
by selden
What kind of graphics card do you have?

Something like this is a known issue with Nvidia MX series cards.
It'll usually stop if you tell Celestia not to draw Clouds in the Render / View Options menu.

Posted: 18.04.2006, 13:35
by elvis-21
Oh yeh its an NVIDIA GeForce 4 MX 440 with AGP8X ...

Turning off clouds helps, thank you, but is there another workaround? I really love having clouds turned on...

Thanks in advance and thanks for the cloud tip!

Posted: 18.04.2006, 13:48
by selden
Sorry: Chris has not been able to fix this problem. The only known cure is to upgrade the graphics card to a 5xxx series non-MX card or better.

Posted: 18.04.2006, 13:50
by elvis-21
Thank you, I'll think of upgrading ...

Posted: 18.04.2006, 14:13
by Rocket Man
I have Nvidia GeForce2 MX 4000, and does the same thing except when small texures are rendered. This happens to me because of the big texures or multiple textures.

This hurts my viewing of asteroids or stations I place in orbits of gas giants, just trying get that good screenshot of it with the planet and the moons.