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Posted: 13.04.2006, 03:31
by scratt
Shall we try to resurrect a web ring?

I have been speaking with Chris about a similar prject to mostly harmless that I am working on..

When I launch my site with details of what I have done, and what I intend to do I would love to have that as part of a webring linked to the Celestia project...

I am sure there are others who would like to see a similar ring up and running again, but don't want to go ahead and set it up without approval here...

Re: Resurrection?

Posted: 13.04.2006, 06:45
by t00fri
scratt wrote:
When I launch my site with details of what I have done, and what I intend to do I would love to have that as part of a webring linked to the Celestia project...

To what aspect of the "Celestia project" do you want to weblink your own activities? A project like 'mostly harmless' does not comply with Celestia's basic design strategy. That's why 'mostly harmless' was developed separately from the Celestia core code. So what precisely would you have in mind?

Bye Fridger

Re: Resurrection?

Posted: 13.04.2006, 07:07
by scratt
t00fri wrote:
scratt wrote:
When I launch my site with details of what I have done, and what I intend to do I would love to have that as part of a webring linked to the Celestia project...

To what aspect of the "Celestia project" do you want to weblink your own activities? A project like 'mostly harmless' does not comply with Celestia's basic design strategy. That's why 'mostly harmless' was developed separately from the Celestia core code. So what precisely would you have in mind?

Bye Fridger

I wasn't under the impression that a general Web Ring had any hard and fast rules, other than having a common theme.

Obviously with a project like Celestia I understand the need for any WebRing to be consistent, and respectful, of the aims of the project..

I hope my project is both of those..
In any case I asked the question here to get peoples opinions, not to announce I was going to go ahead with this myself.

Mostly Harmless (even though the project is on a long holiday) is still linked to from the Related Sites area of Celestia, so I am not quite sure what you are getting at t00fri. Perhaps you can clarify.

Posted: 13.04.2006, 09:48
by BrainDead
Well I'd certainly be interested in joining the ring.

I went to a number of the existing webring sites (Those with the
Celestia Webring Logo still displayed on the pages) and found
that none of the links work now. What happened to the old

Thanks, Bob

Posted: 13.04.2006, 10:06
by selden

The problem with the old Web ring is that nobody is maintaining it any more.

I think Fridger was just commenting on the incompatabilities of the program Mostly Harmless itself, not of the Web ring, which just happened to be maintained by MH's author.

Web rings are just links to sites that have some vague (or not so vague :-) ) relationship to one another. I'd expect a Celestia ring to link sites that have any kind of relationship to Celestia, modified or not.

Posted: 13.04.2006, 10:20
by BrainDead

As always, thanks Selden. I don't really understand the need for
maintenance though. If the ring has been set up already - and if
the server it runs on is operating - what's to maintain?

I understand that new members or revisions would require some
work, but shouldn't the existing sites still be linked?

Thanks again.

Posted: 13.04.2006, 10:29
by scratt
BrainDead wrote:Ah...

As always, thanks Selden. I don't really understand the need for
maintenance though. If the ring has been set up already - and if
the server it runs on is operating - what's to maintain?

I understand that new members or revisions would require some
work, but shouldn't the existing sites still be linked?

Thanks again.

Perhaps I can explain that..
You are right in your thinking that a ring only need periodic maintenance. I manage a couple, and when someone wants to join I get a chance to review them first.. That keeps nasty sites out of respectable rings, for example!

But the actual ring code, that provides the links between sites, and graphics, tracking and so on.. is run from another (third) server itself. It is not just like traditional links between pages on the internet. So if that ring server has gone down, or code not been maintained correctly by the ring manager / admins then the entire ring will break.

The advantage of a ring is that one site dropping out will not break the ring, as it's all managed from one location and served to sites on the ring.

The disadvantage is that if the ring server has any kind of problem then the whole ring goes down..