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Earth Map Recomendations

Posted: 02.11.2005, 16:00
by Dreamofgilgamesh
Dear Group, a quick question for you. I'm new to this program but already i've downloaded some satelite images. If i track them in orbit close enough to see them the Earths surface looses all definition.

Is there an alternative Earth map that will allow me to see the actual geographic features the satelite passes over. And if so, what would you recomend for me.

I have a 2.6 CPU, 1GB of RAM and a NVidia GeForce FX5200

Many Thanks


Posted: 02.11.2005, 22:06
by John Van Vliet
you can look hear


Posted: 03.11.2005, 14:07
by Dreamofgilgamesh
Thank you John, i'll give those links a real good looking at. I did download one map from motherload but its still not quiet what i was looking for.

Presumably if one was to look out of a spacecraft window in low Earth orbit one would be able to see rivers, lakes and mountains, that was the sort of thing i was looking for, is that not possible.



Posted: 03.11.2005, 16:05
by John Van Vliet
that can be done " some what " with lhe level 5 vertual texture
it wheighs in at about 1 gig. but with the new 500m bleu marble starting to come on line it will be posable but it will be a 4 gig download

Posted: 03.11.2005, 19:11
by Dreamofgilgamesh
Thanks for your help John, much appreciated