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M33 + other spacial bodies WAY out there...

Posted: 15.10.2005, 19:00
by PrinceScamp
WHat are they? I am wondering as I can't get close to them. I know one of them is a dust cloud of some kind...
Oh, and it's a great program.

Re: M33 + other spacial bodies WAY out there...

Posted: 15.10.2005, 19:48
by hank
PrinceScamp wrote:WHat are they? I am wondering as I can't get close to them. I know one of them is a dust cloud of some kind...
Oh, and it's a great program.

M33 is a galaxy. It's a very large collection of stars, distributed in a thin disc, with a slightly thicker core, and the brighter stars forming spiral arms. It's much like our own Milky Way galaxy. From a distance, you can't see the individual stars, just the glow of their combined starlight. Similarly the Milky Way as seen from Earth is just a glow, except for the very nearest stars, which we can see individually.

- Hank

Posted: 16.10.2005, 07:43
by PrinceScamp
Ahhh, also wondering what two bookmarkable places are farthest apart but you can go back and forth and goe throufgh the most stars? Kind of like the windows screensaver.

Posted: 16.10.2005, 08:28
by hank
PrinceScamp wrote:Ahhh, also wondering what two bookmarkable places are farthest apart but you can go back and forth and goe throufgh the most stars? Kind of like the windows screensaver.

Here's a quick .celx script to tour the stars at random:

Code: Select all

obs = celestia:getobserver()
stars = celestia:getstarcount()
for i = 1,stars do
  j = math.random(stars)
  obj = celestia:getstar(j)
  while obs:travelling() do wait(0.5) end
  celestia:flash("Welcome to "..obj:name(),2)

- Hank

Posted: 16.10.2005, 19:46
by PrinceScamp
And how do I use it? I am a scripting illiterate.
EDIT: Just saw the thread. Still have no idea.

Posted: 16.10.2005, 20:13
by hank
PrinceScamp wrote:And how do I use it? I am a scripting illiterate.
EDIT: Just saw the thread. Still have no idea.

Just cut and paste the script code into a text file with a ".celx" file type. Then double-click on the file to launch Celestia and it will run the script.

- Hank

Posted: 16.10.2005, 21:04
by PrinceScamp
As in I create a new text file? And put it where?

Posted: 16.10.2005, 21:11
by hank
PrinceScamp wrote:As in I create a new text file? And put it where?

Yes, create a new text file and paste the script code into it. It shouldn't matter where you put it.

- Hank

Posted: 17.10.2005, 01:43
by PrinceScamp
THanks! :D