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New Celestia-1.4.0pre-FT1.1 Version for Download

Posted: 11.10.2005, 21:50
by t00fri
Hi all,

at last, find below the new

Celestia-FT1.1 release
by Toti and myself.

It is mainly a bugfix release, but there are also quite a few new features/benefits we hope:

--Please read carefully the Changelog (relative to Celestia-1.4.0pre-FT1)
below that lists all the fixes and code modifications.

Here you may recall all changes and important news at the level of our first release: Celestia-1.4.0pre-FT1:


--For people's convenience,
I have made a complete self-extracting Windows installer
version that will NOT interfere with an installed standard Celestia
installation. The new Celestia directory is called 'Celestia FT1.1'.

--I found and eliminated the reason for the CTRL+V bug in Windows!

Chris' *.iss installer file lacked the ell_galaxy_arb.vp shader! While
it was not used yet, the code tried to load it nevertheless and quit with a
segfault if it was not present in the shader directory.

--Chris had forgotten about my two binary orbit files ( and
in his installer *.iss file for Windows. So these were
lacking accidentally in the recent 1.4.0pre versions. Since I now have
included them, you will also get hundreds of new, precise binary orbits
to play with...

--The Windows bin version may be downloaded from here
Just execute it to install everything!

-- The complete source archive for compilation under
Windows and Linux you can download from here

It was tested to build under Windows (2003.Net and batch),
Linux-KDE, Linux-Gnome and Linux-Gtk



Fridger & Toti

Note: This release is NOT to be mirrored on the MOTHERLODE!

Changelog (relative to Celestia-1.4.0pre-FT1)


-- Milky Way rendering from "inside" the galaxy works again in Windows
-- deep-sky add-ons in 'extras' work again, also if no AbsMag value supplied
-- much improved picking (selection) of galaxies, also at small field of view
-- split views fixed
-- galaxy labels (key-shortcut: 'E') now work again
-- some fixes concerning alternative names in deepsky.dsc

* added enhanced labels culling, which looks much better at almost no fps cost

* fixed engine.mak and checked that batch compiling in Windows now works

* added code to (hopefully) ease compilation with newer Xcode
versions (MacIntosh)

* added display of DSO Type (Galaxy,...) and Hubble subtype in case of galaxies

* deleted various source code files that became superfluous

* updated src/celengine/ for Linux building

* update models/ for correct installation of .pts template files
in Linux

* updated (PERL script) and corresponding deepsky.dsc

* revised distance of M 51 using another published method, such that
M 51 is now slightly closer than its compagnon NGC 5195

* labels show up only below a certain limiting distance to the galaxy,
to avoid overcrowded label displays. A much fancier solution follows
in the next version.

* changed the galaxy label color from yellow to blue-green for better

* Linux-KDE users get a neat new splash image

* checked that the FT1.1 code builds under Windows, Linux-KDE, Linux-Gnome
and Linux-Gtk

* introduced a new cel function: renderflags {set "nebulae"}, in order to
allow for switching on nebula rendering by default in start.cel.

* reduced the default value of 'faintestAutoMag45deg' from 8.5 to 7.0

* set the following render flags by default in start.cel:

Code: Select all

              renderflags {set "automag"}
              renderflags {set "cloudmaps"}
              renderflags {set "eclipseshadows"}
              renderflags {set "galaxies"}
              renderflags {set "nebulae"}
              renderflags {set "markers"}
              renderflags {set "nightmaps"}

In Windows your Nebula/Galaxy add-ons are thus rendered without switching
first nebula rendering on via the "^" key! In Linux, nebula rendering is
on by default

Just comment out in start.cel whatever you don't like...

Version Celestia-1.4.0-FT1.1 released: Oct 11, 2005

Posted: 11.10.2005, 21:57
by ElChristou

pplleeeeaaasseee... :oops:

Tx a lot Fridger & Toti :wink:


Posted: 12.10.2005, 00:18
by John Van Vliet
cool i am dl-ing it now
and let you know about any compile errors fou fedora-gnome and MS's vis studio 2002

Error Number 1

Posted: 12.10.2005, 01:30
by christoria

I downloaded it and when I ran it, it runs great! So, I moved it and the missing files to my original Celestia folder and it's labeling some random galaxies or nebulas or something. I tried to turn on labels and off labels. Nothing fixes it. They seem to be "Berkley" and some "NGC's" that are labeled. I can't even find them yet in my "ssc" files.

Anyone else getting this?

Re: New Celestia-1.4.0pre-FT1.1 Version for Download

Posted: 12.10.2005, 01:37
by PlutonianEmpire
t00fri wrote:--For people's convenience,
I have made a complete self-extracting Windows installer
version that will NOT interfere with an installed standard Celestia
The new Celestia directory is called 'Celestia FT1.1'.

May I ask why?

Posted: 12.10.2005, 02:50
by hank

Very nice, as expected. Many thanks to you and Toti for all your hard work.

- Hank

Mac OS X builders:

I was able to build Celestia-1.4.0pre-FT1.1 using Xcode 1.5 on Mac OS X 10.3 with the following changes:

In the file 'celestia-1.4.0pre-FT1.1/src/celengine/name.h', insert ;// at the beginning of line 74.

In the file 'celestia-1.4.0pre-FT1.1/macosx/' insert // at the beginning of lines 58, 62, and 82.

In the file 'celestia-1.4.0pre-FT1.1/macosx/', insert /* at the end of line 38 and */ at the beginning of line 54.

In the Xcode project "celestia" window, navigate to 'celestia>Celestia Main>celengine' in the "Groups & Files" pane, then uncheck the box at the extreme right on the line for 'octree.cpp'.

In the Xcode project "celestia" window, navigate to 'celestia>Celestia Main>celengine' in the "Groups & Files" pane, then use the "Project>Add to Project..." menu item to add the following files to the project (set the "Reference Type:" option to "Relative to Project").



Posted: 12.10.2005, 06:34
by piellepi
Hi t00fri!
First of all thanks again for you precious work!
I have a small request.
In my PC I have a 56k Modem :oops: and I would like to try your new Celestia version, but 13M are too much for my telephone bill !!
Is it possible to have a zip file containing only the exe file, as happened for other versions of Celestia?

Thanks a lot!


Re: New Celestia-1.4.0pre-FT1.1 Version for Download

Posted: 12.10.2005, 07:12
by Malenfant
PlutonianEmpire wrote:
t00fri wrote:--For people's convenience,
I have made a complete self-extracting Windows installer
version that will NOT interfere with an installed standard Celestia
The new Celestia directory is called 'Celestia FT1.1'.
May I ask why?

Probably because it's not a "fully official" (ie Ok'd by Chris) release?

I'll download it once I get my new nvidia 5xxx graphics card tomorrow...


Posted: 12.10.2005, 07:24
by John Van Vliet
hi For fedora4 -Gnome config runs fine
./configure --with-gnome --with-lua=/usr --prefix=/usr/Celestia
make ( becides 100's of warning: ?€?????????€™ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ) i am getting an error in staroctree.cpp
staroctree.cpp:67: error: too few template-parameter-lists
staroctree.cpp:69: error: too few template-parameter-lists
staroctree.cpp:71: error: too few template-parameter-lists
staroctree.cpp:73: error: too few template-parameter-lists

and after comenting this out and redoing make
i get the same error in dsooctree.cpp lines 61 to 63

Posted: 12.10.2005, 08:23
by BlindedByTheLight
Thanks Fridger and Toti... and Hank!

I shall try your OS X tweaks, having no idea how to do those things... but have ten fingers and two eyes and one brain. Hopefully, that will be enough. I'll let you know how it goes.

F & T... will I need any other libraries? Or will the source code have everything I need?

Hank... do I "clean" it? A deployment build?

Re: New Celestia-1.4.0pre-FT1.1 Version for Download

Posted: 12.10.2005, 08:34
by Ariane
t00fri wrote:Hi all,

at last, find below the new

Celestia-FT1.1 release
by Toti and myself.

It is mainly a bugfix release, but there are also quite a few new features/benefits we hope:

--Please read carefully the Changelog (relative to Celestia-1.4.0pre-FT1)
below that lists all the fixes and code modifications.

--For people's convenience,
I have made a complete self-extracting Windows installer
version that will NOT interfere with an installed standard Celestia
installation. The new Celestia directory is called 'Celestia FT1.1'.


Hi Fridger !
Thanks a lot ! great work !
I have read all the mails about the version for "testing" ! there was a lot of good ideas, nice screen capture and a lot of comments !
I'm so happy to see that you now propose a version for download ! :D
I just can't wait to test it now !



Re: New Celestia-1.4.0pre-FT1.1 Version for Download

Posted: 12.10.2005, 08:41
by t00fri
Malenfant wrote:
PlutonianEmpire wrote:
t00fri wrote:--For people's convenience,
I have made a complete self-extracting Windows installer
version that will NOT interfere with an installed standard Celestia
The new Celestia directory is called 'Celestia FT1.1'.
May I ask why?

Probably because it's not a "fully official" (ie Ok'd by Chris) release?

I'll download it once I get my new nvidia 5xxx graphics card tomorrow...

NO, this is unrelated to "fully official". After all I used Chris' *.iss installer script as a start and modified it such that both packages can coexist:

official pre6 version (1.4.0pre6):
AppVerName=Celestia 1.4.0pre6

our new FT1.1 version
AppName=Celestia FT
AppVerName=Celestia 1.4.0pre-FT1.1
DefaultDirName={pf}\Celestia FT1.1
DefaultGroupName=Celestia FT


This is like two different applications for the Installer, or like renaming appropriately everywhere.

If you check in

Control Panel-> Add or Remove Programs, you will find two completely

separate installations administrated:

Celestia 1.4.0pre6
Celestia 1.4.0pre-FT1.1

This is precisely how I have it on my XP notebook and it's all perfect.
You also get TWO SEPARATE Desktop icons, for example, one being called Celestia, the other Celestia FT1.1 by default.

Was this clear?

Bye Fridger

Posted: 12.10.2005, 08:56
by t00fri
Hi all,

I would be most interested in short, but /concise/ reports about success or failure of the Windows FT1.1 installer setup, since here there is least experience so far.

I checked the new Installer setup

both on my slow Notebook (1GHz PIII old ATI card) (with 1.4.0pre6 and 1.4.0pre-FT1.1 and 1.4.0preFT1 installed in parallel):
and my very fast 3.2 GHz Desktop with FX5900ultra/256MB card:

The FT1 and FT1.1 have virtually identical fps rates after startup in analogous configurations. Everything runs as it should on both Windows installations.

On the notebook I get ~10-11 fps and on the fast Desktop ~100 fps after starup of FT1.1.

So far my own experience.

Please let me know about your experience with other machines, but preferably refrain from "home brewn" actions like copying parts of the new distribution into old Celestia directories etc. We shall deal with this in time, but for a start this is MUCH less transparent...

Bye Fridger

Posted: 12.10.2005, 08:58
by BlindedByTheLight
hank wrote:Fridger,

Very nice, as expected. Many thanks to you and Toti for all your hard work.

- Hank

Mac OS X builders:

I was able to build Celestia-1.4.0pre-FT1.1 using Xcode 1.5 on Mac OS X 10.3 with the following changes:

In the file 'celestia-1.4.0pre-FT1.1/src/celengine/name.h', insert ;// at the beginning of line 74.

In the file 'celestia-1.4.0pre-FT1.1/macosx/' insert // at the beginning of lines 58, 62, and 82.

In the file 'celestia-1.4.0pre-FT1.1/macosx/', insert /* at the end of line 38 and */ at the beginning of line 54.

In the Xcode project "celestia" window, navigate to 'celestia>Celestia Main>celengine' in the "Groups & Files" pane, then uncheck the box at the extreme right on the line for 'octree.cpp'.

In the Xcode project "celestia" window, navigate to 'celestia>Celestia Main>celengine' in the "Groups & Files" pane, then use the "Project>Add to Project..." menu item to add the following files to the project (set the "Reference Type:" option to "Relative to Project").



Hank... are all your symbols EXACTLY right? Did you really mean:

<<insert ;// at the beginning of line 74.>>

In other words, are you saying to insert a... ;//
Or to insert a... // (without the ;)

I've tried it both ways... whichever it is supposed to be, neither actually works. Both give the same error...


I'm pretty sure I followed the instructions to the letter. Compiling on 2.1 on 10.4. Anyone out there able to make that configuration work?


Posted: 12.10.2005, 09:05
by Boux
Hi there,
Thanks for the great job :D
Just installed on my laptop at work :wink: (Win2k, Dell610 Centrino, Intel graphic chip).
No problem so far, installed flawlessly and did not notice any bug yet.
Tonight I will install it on my big home main machine with more than 6Gigs of Celestia extras and see what happen 80
I will compile it for Mandrake 2006 too.
I can't wait to see the result!

Re: re

Posted: 12.10.2005, 09:08
by t00fri
john Van Vliet wrote:hi For fedora4 -Gnome config runs fine
./configure --with-gnome --with-lua=/usr --prefix=/usr/Celestia
make ( becides 100's of warning: ?€?????????€™ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor ) i am getting an error in staroctree.cpp
staroctree.cpp:67: error: too few template-parameter-lists
staroctree.cpp:69: error: too few template-parameter-lists
staroctree.cpp:71: error: too few template-parameter-lists
staroctree.cpp:73: error: too few template-parameter-lists

and after comenting this out and redoing make
i get the same error in dsooctree.cpp lines 61 to 63


as I emphasized, I can build Linux-gnome without the slightest problems (the many warnings are mostly NOT from our part ;-) ) .

I suppose you use gcc 3.4.x?

Because I still have gcc 3.3.x which has been a proven version, while >= 3.4.x is well known to have incompatible pecularities. You see, our code also compiles without problems under the commercial MS C++ compiler...SuSE still works in its newest official version with gcc 3.3.x.

We shall look into this, however. Perhaps Toti was also using another gcc version and we get another handle from him.

It is clear that the same errors appear both in staroctree and dsooctree since they are template related.

Bye Fridger

Posted: 12.10.2005, 09:18
by t00fri
BlindedByTheLight wrote:Thanks Fridger and Toti... and Hank!

I shall try your OS X tweaks, having no idea how to do those things... but have ten fingers and two eyes and one brain. Hopefully, that will be enough. I'll let you know how it goes.

F & T... will I need any other libraries? Or will the source code have everything I need?

Hank... do I "clean" it? A deployment build?

NO Steven: "all included" like in a good "holiday package" ;-)

Bye Fridger

Posted: 12.10.2005, 09:20
by Boux
OK, a few fps figures as requested:
Startup screen with Earth in view : 27 fps
Go to Beta Ari B : 63 fps
Go to Sol : 74 fps
Go to Saturn : 36 fps
This on Dell D610 laptop : Intel Centrino 1.6 GHz, 512 Mo ram, Intel mobile PCIE graphic chip.
Three versions of Celestia are living happily in parallel on this laptop.

Posted: 12.10.2005, 09:34
by t00fri
Steven, John,

do you realize that you both get the same compiler errors (!?), while Hank (Mac) and Toti and I (LInux) are doing fine. So please let's compare the respective compiler versions involved...

Aha...So your compilers (whatever they are) have a more conservative attitude towards template classes ...

Bye Fridger

Posted: 12.10.2005, 09:38
by t00fri
Boux wrote:OK, a few fps figures as requested:
Startup screen with Earth in view : 27 fps
Go to Beta Ari B : 63 fps
Go to Sol : 74 fps
Go to Saturn : 36 fps
This on Dell D610 laptop : Intel Centrino 1.6 GHz, 512 Mo ram, Intel mobile PCIE graphic chip.
Three versions of Celestia are living happily in parallel on this laptop.

Looking very good, Boux.

that's how things appear on my Dell C610 (PIII 1 GHz), just slower...

Bye Fridger