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A little poster inspired by Celestia

Posted: 09.09.2005, 12:54
by Jeam Tag
Hello Celestians,
Here a small image carried out for a poster. My Hollyday postcard, if you want :-)
The relationship with Celestia? I was useful myself of the program as sketch before painting the image.
Stage one: to compose a .ssc file to place the objects in situation. (Use of Venus ring generator, mixture of models and textures, existing or invented, modify the ring etc)
Stage 2: To Capture screenshots from a interessant point of view: it is the sketch. Here there is one of them.
Stage 3: To paint the forms and matters wished over this sketch.
Later, another stages consist has to encrust a scene as foreground of this space bottom. And to move some moons and stars to readabily place the texts, etc...
(It acts of a poster for a little festival of Science fiction and Fantasy, illustration -the background style- and comic strip -the foreground style)

Posted: 09.09.2005, 16:21
Very nice, Jeam, congrats

Andrea :D

Posted: 09.09.2005, 17:38
by ElChristou
Pas mal... mais un poil classique ?  mon go?»t l'affiche (mais bon convient parfaitement ?  l'?©vennement)
Tu es donc illustrateur professionnel...

Posted: 09.09.2005, 17:49
by maxim
Ah, that reminds me of 'Valerian and Veronique', Tombe 4:

Not on the title page, but inside there is a scene very similar to that picture above.


Posted: 09.09.2005, 19:05
by Malenfant
Heh, Valerian was great. I had a few english translations of the comics (including the Alflolol one).

I like French scifi, it's usually very original. :)

Nice work Jeam!

Posted: 09.09.2005, 19:10
by Cham
Yes, I also recognised Mezieres's touch, here.

By the way, I was interested in making a model of Valerian's space-time saucer. I may try it again this weekend.

Anyone has some great pictures of the saucer ? I have almost all the books from Mezieres here at home, but some scanned pictures would be better.

Posted: 09.09.2005, 19:18
by Jeam Tag
ANDREA wrote:Very nice, Jeam, congrats Bye. Andrea :D
Thanks Andrea...I hope to learn more about computer work to enhance my illustration works (I'm a really Brain-Dead in these stuffs) : if it will be occure i'll test some textures and other pictural works i'll hope to share to Celestia.

ElChristou wrote:Pas mal... mais un poil classique ?  mon go?»t l'affiche (mais bon convient parfaitement ?  l'?©vennement)
Tu es donc illustrateur professionnel...
Yep; c'?©tait un choix, faire classique -dans le style de mes vieilles illustrations- pour ne pas trop d?©ranger le public un peu p?©p??re de ce genre de manifestation municipale, qui n'en est qu'?  sa deuxi??me ?©dition, la premi??re ayant ?©t?© nase question design, j'ai choisi d'y aller doucement, consensuel... Sinon, oui, je suis illustrateur, plut??t traditionel: ce n'est que depuis quelques ann?©es que je me mets peu ?  peu ?  l'outil informatique - cela coincide avec ma d?©couverte d'Open Universe puis Celestia en 2001-2002, d'ailleurs, comme quoi... :-)

maxim wrote:Ah, that reminds me of 'Valerian and Veronique', Tombe 4.maxim
'Val?©rian agent spatio-temporel' in French , the girl, 'Laureline' (the more interesting character in this serie), wasn't quoted in the first titles - She was discover in the Earth middle-age by Val?©rian in the first opus, 'Les mauvais r??ves' ...(the authors told me that there were a lot of girls called 'laureline' since the series appeared!!! -and i personnally encountered one of them :-)
''Bienvenue sur Aflolol' (1972) is the opus you spoke about, and i see what you mean: yes Maxim, I absolutelly do not thinking about this when i drawn the characters, but you are right :-) this is in this sort of visual i turned this picture on... I like a lot Jean-Claude M?©zi??res works, the drawer, who is a really great artist and a cool guy. (Just met him sometimes, often around some beers, since 20 years, and love him really:-)

Posted: 09.09.2005, 19:25
by t00fri
Hi Jeam,

could this have been my 2k jupiter texture ;-) ?

Bye Fridger

Posted: 10.09.2005, 08:03
by Jeam Tag
t00fri wrote:Hi Jeam,
could this have been my 2k jupiter texture ;-) ?
Hrm, my poor computer can't read .DDS, so i had turned it into .PNG, but yes, i use these great Jupi texture in my Celestia because i like it :-) Sorry, for my saturn-like fictitious planet i've repainted it a lot... :-)