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How Many Of Us Are Posting And How Many Aren't?

Posted: 08.09.2005, 00:24
by WildMoon
I would like to know how many people are posting and who isn't. Now I know that people who don't post probably won't bother voting but HEAR ME OUT: please vote in this. I would like to know how many of you are reading but are not posting. Because if there is anybody not posting, please speak your opinions and tell us what Celestia things you're working on or what questions about space and astrophysics you have. If you have a new theory, tell us. Even if you can't draw good, make new planet textures and solar systems and tell us about them. So vote now whether you post or not and then if you chose "I just read, don't post." then go start posting! And for those who do post keep posting and tell your friends about Celestia! The more people, the more we learn, the more solar systems we have, the more fun we have, and the more the Milky Way is covered with stars instead of just one big blob covering 1/4 of our galaxy.

Re: How Many Of Us Are Posting And How Many Aren't?

Posted: 08.09.2005, 15:31
by t00fri
WildMoon wrote:I would like to know how many people are posting and who isn't. Now I know that people who don't post probably won't bother voting but HEAR ME OUT: please vote in this. I would like to know how many of you are reading but are not posting. Because if there is anybody not posting, please speak your opinions and tell us what Celestia things you're working on or what questions about space and astrophysics you have. If you have a new theory, tell us. Even if you can't draw good, make new planet textures and solar systems and tell us about them. So vote now whether you post or not and then if you chose "I just read, don't post." then go start posting! And for those who do post keep posting and tell your friends about Celestia! The more people, the more we learn, the more solar systems we have, the more fun we have, and the more the Milky Way is covered with stars instead of just one big blob covering 1/4 of our galaxy.

Why do you need a poll for this simple exercise??

Out of experience, only few people tend to push the polling buttons...So the statistical significance will be low and the result not significant. Agreed?

Instead: Go to the Forum member list.
The solution is close to trivial: you sort the member list according to /descending/ number of posts (that's an option). Then --with the mouse-- copy those people with NO posts into one file, file0, say. All the others you copy into file1, say.

Then in some editor, simply read off the number of lines in file0 and in file1. take the ratio and you are done! Then you have a perfectly accurate answer to a simple question.

If you use e.g. a PERL script there are many more related, cute questions you may ask and /immediately/ answer with high statistics from those data.

What you will not get this way is info about non-posting guests. Guests are not allowed anymore to post (because of all these russian bots). So nothing is lost here.

This whole exercise would take me a few minutes at best.

Bye Fridger

Posted: 08.09.2005, 22:39
by WildMoon

Oh well, at least there's still the entusiastic speech I gave.

Posted: 09.09.2005, 14:41
by Fightspit
Excuse me, it is possible for WildMoon to not write in blue...
My eyes do't support that :arrow: 8O

Posted: 09.09.2005, 14:41
by Fightspit
Excuse me, it is possible for WildMoon to not write in blue...
My eyes don't support that :arrow: 8O

Posted: 09.09.2005, 21:39
by WildMoon
3 things:

1. Wow, people are actually voting here too! Both my polls people are voting! Atleast on these forums people aren't lazy and don't totally blow off on voting.

2. Double post!

3. really can't see my blue? :(

Posted: 09.09.2005, 21:46
by BrainDead
WildMoon wrote:3 things:

3. really can't see my blue? :(

Don't know about others my friend, but *I* certainly can't see it...

Just FYI

Posted: 09.09.2005, 21:55
by t00fri
BrainDead wrote:
WildMoon wrote:3 things:

3. really can't see my blue? :(

Don't know about others my friend, but *I* certainly can't see it...

Just FYI

I can't see your blue either, WildMoon. Probably I could see black better. Why don't you let us try??

Bye Fridger

Posted: 09.09.2005, 22:09
by WildMoon
t00fri wrote:
BrainDead wrote:
WildMoon wrote:3 things:

3. really can't see my blue? :(

Don't know about others my friend, but *I* certainly can't see it...

Just FYI

I can't see your blue either, WildMoon. Probably I could see black better. Why don't you let us try??

Bye Fridger

Better now? :)
I don't know if t00fri is being sarcastic about not being able to see my blue, but I can say BrainDead is probably not being sarcastic.Is cyan better?

Posted: 09.09.2005, 22:15
by WildMoon
Heh, I can barely see the black. I mean I can see it but only after staring for 3 seconds.(strained eyes :arrow: 8O ) And also, have you tried highlighting my text? You can highlight my black text and see it. Try highlighting this block of blue text and tell me how it goes.

If we meet any aliens that don't like any of the following: Star Trek, Stargate SG-1, Monty Python, Monk, or any other awesome sci-fi or eally funny shows, then they must be unintelligent. 8)

Posted: 09.09.2005, 23:31
by selden

Please don't specify any color. Just let the Forum or browser software choose it for the reader.

One problem is that you don't know what background color is being used by the person trying to read your message. The Celestia forum has two different color patterns. A color good for one of them is unreadable with the other.

Another problem is that some people are more or less color blind. Color differences that are obvious to some people are completely invisible to others.

Furthermore, there have been many studies done of how to choose the best colors for making text the most readable on computer screens. If you haven't already done so, you might want to investigate the topic of graphic design.

Posted: 09.09.2005, 23:34
by ElChristou
Wildmoon, don't forget many people here don't use the default black theme of the forum, much more the classic silver theme...

Posted: 10.09.2005, 00:24
by Malenfant
Polls are usually irrelevant anyway. Usually you're lucky if even half of the members of a board even post at all, and of those most won't be regular posters.


Out of a total of 3904 members:
only 1424 members (36.5% of the membership) have EVER posted anything at all. Or, 63.5% have never posted anything.
only 423 members (10.8%) have ever posted once, and that's it.
only 327 members (8.4%) have posted more than 10 messages.
only 125 (3.2%) have posted more than 50 messages (these are probably the 'semi-regulars' - they post on and off and are recognisable to most people)
only 77 (1.98%) have posted more than 100 messages (these are the 'regulars' in the discussions, recognisable to all)
only 11 (0.28%) have posted more than 1000 messages (these are usually the developers and the major thread contributors)

So if you just look at the 125 people who are 'semi-regulars', that's only 3% of the board membership. And of those, you're lucky if 10 or 20 people reply to polls - so generally at best less than 1% of the people here would respond to polls.

That's just the way discussion boards go - I've seen the same patterns on other boards I'm on, and nothing is going to change that. It's the same with most social things, a core group do stuff, and a some people contribute occasionally, and most people just watch or sign up and then leave.

Posted: 10.09.2005, 01:55
by BrainDead
WildMoon wrote: Is cyan better?

Much better thank you...

Also FYI, I *am* viewing the forum against a black background, and the
dark blue is just very hard to read. I could change my settings, but I very
much like the dark (black) Solaris theme.


Posted: 10.09.2005, 03:47
by WildMoon
I use Solaris too. Guess it's just my young eyes (though I can't see far and wear glasses, and please don't tell me to wear contacts as unlike glasses they do not protect your eyes and thanks to my glasses they have saved me from one incident where I could've lost one of my eyes). Cyaninating time! Anyone who has a post of mine they can't read tell me and I'll cyaninate it.

Posted: 10.09.2005, 03:51
by Malenfant
Well I can't read cyan or anything else on the Silver view (that isn't the eye-breaking Solaris view, which I can't abide).

Why can't you just write in the default colour like everyone else? :roll:

Posted: 10.09.2005, 03:55
by WildMoon
Well, that would save on me clicking color all the time. :lol:

Guess I'm just a blue addict. Oh well, back to plain old white text. :)

Posted: 10.09.2005, 06:35
by Malenfant
WildMoon wrote:Guess I'm just a blue addict. Oh well, back to plain old white text. :)

Thank you!

Posted: 10.09.2005, 10:08
by Fightspit
WildMoon wrote: Is cyan better?

Thank you ! 8)

I think black and white is the better for the theme of space.