Any news of...
Posted: 15.08.2005, 01:36
Real-time 3D visualization of space
ElChristou wrote:...Chris?
t00fri wrote:In the meantime, I have completed quite a bit of galaxy related code, concerning the relative magnitude assignments (according to the catalog values), some much improved coloration and improved template galaxies. I have also found and eliminated some nasty errors in Chris' (old!) elliptical code presently in CVS.
A somewhat tricky task was to correct for the extreme brightening when the galaxies were viewed ~ EDGE-ON! Clearly a realistic apparent magnitude relation among different galaxies would become impossible while this effect remained uncorrected. In my new code all galaxy types (including elliptics!) now have /exactly/ the same effective brightness no matter at which angle they are looked at! Also I have implemented a neat printout of the apparent magnitude for galaxies (depending on their distance) in the top left corner of the screen. When travelling towards a galaxy from Earth, say, this value changes from the apparent (earthbound) magnitude in the catalog to the /absolute/ magnitude 10 parsecs before the boundary of the galaxy is reached. At the same time, of course, the visual galaxy brightness increases during the trip to the galaxy. Just as it should be.
Finally, I have recoded and /vastly accuracy-improved/ much of my 'deepsky.dsc' galaxy file. Virtually all 900 galaxies in the new catalog file involve now a "precision" distance determination!
Toti and I have decided to echange our codes as of now and go on, irrespective of Chris.
t00fri wrote:...Toti's and my work is also partly stuck, since nothing happens from Chris' side. I had asked him ~ on July 20 for a patch of his present galaxy code including Toti's octree template class, but NOTHING came, except for the statement that he was looking forward for my code!
t00fri wrote:In the meantime, I have completed quite a bit of galaxy related code, concerning the relative magnitude assignments (according to the catalog values), some much improved coloration and improved template galaxies. I have also found and eliminated some nasty errors in Chris' (old!) elliptical code presently in CVS...
...Toti and I have decided to echange our codes as of now and go on, irrespective of Chris.
Guckytos wrote:...Well before the response like, you can always go and build yourself a new version from CVS, comes, here 2 points:
a) i don't know anything about coding
b) fat chance to build a new windows prerelease from CVS when Chris doesn't update it...
maxim wrote:BrendanCelestia supposably.
ElChristou wrote:t00fri wrote:...Toti's and my work is also partly stuck, since nothing happens from Chris' side. I had asked him ~ on July 20 for a patch of his present galaxy code including Toti's octree template class, but NOTHING came, except for the statement that he was looking forward for my code!
Perhaps this code is too complex, and Chris need much time...
dirkpitt wrote:This sounds great. Could you make a patch file available so that it may be incorporated in the ongoing series of unofficial Mac builds?
ElChristou wrote:maxim wrote:BrendanCelestia supposably.
Hmmm, yes, but what is the difference with Celestia?