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JTPS: an interactive Celestia / eBook

Posted: 08.08.2005, 21:04
by rthorvald
Following my Journey AddOn, i have formatted and designed a HTML eBook of Jules Vernes Off on a Comet.

The book is illustrated from start to end entirely by actual screenshots from Celestia, and all images are clickable - so one can jump around in the AddOn while reading the book. That should make this the first Celestia-based multimedia novel, i think...

The book can be read online (or, preferrably, downloaded) on my website.
Here??s a direct link: ... _tps5.html


Posted: 08.08.2005, 21:36
by maxim
This is a very nice idea!!!

maxim :)

Posted: 08.08.2005, 23:09
by rthorvald
maxim wrote:This is a very nice idea!!!

Thank you!
Of course, i could have illustrated it with much more drama than i have, but was restricted by the storyline; all the pictures are thematically matched to the page it is on. They are also matched roughly to the comet orbit, so that each CelUrl comes later in time than the previous, following the story. Without human characters, this gave me a narrower set of scenes to choose from than one usually have when illustrating a novel.

Anyway, a fun experiment. What i really would like to see is nonfiction books on space exploration tagged up this way... Like Frank??s educational activities, but in HTML or PDF...


Posted: 09.08.2005, 18:16
by Jeam Tag
rthorvald wrote:Of course, i could have illustrated it with much more drama than i have, but was restricted by the storyline; all the pictures are thematically matched to the page it is on. They are also matched roughly to the comet orbit, so that each CelUrl comes later in time than the previous, following the story. Without human characters, this gave me a narrower set of scenes to choose from than one usually have when illustrating a novel.
Great Runar, the 'engraved' versions of the picts is a good idea, too!
Jeam (who remember, when he was 14, he began an illustrated version ( B&W comic strips) of 'Voyage au centre de la terre' (journey to the earth's core?) but stopped at the half of the novel...

Posted: 09.08.2005, 21:13
by rthorvald
Jeam Tag wrote:Great Runar, the 'engraved' versions of the picts is a good idea, too!

Hm, thanks - i did that to try to capture something of the book i read as a kid; the etchings in it was just abstract enough so that one had to use the imagination to really see the scene... It made the story more powerful, one might say...
