Is there a "camera" angle that is different from d

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Is there a "camera" angle that is different from d

Post #1by BlindedByTheLight » 19.07.2005, 07:38

If that makes no sense, let me try again...

I was under the impression that Celestia, like a lot of games, allows the viewer to move in one direction but look in another. I believe the Celestia manual refers to this as the camera angle. However, no matter which way I move the screen (arrows, mouse, whatever) if I have a velocity, I start moving in the area I'm looking.

In other words, there is no way for me to go forward, but look down. I thought I SHOULD be able to do this... but cannot. Right? Wrong?



Steven Binder, Mac OS X 10.4.10

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Post #2by fsgregs » 19.07.2005, 12:40

To the best of my knowledge, that is correct. If you are moving via the "spaceship", you go only in the direction you are looking.


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Post #3by fsgregs » 19.07.2005, 12:40

To the best of my knowledge, that is correct. If you are moving via the "spaceship", you go only in the direction you are looking.


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Post #4by cpotting » 19.07.2005, 14:47

Try this. Position yourself near Earth and look in some other direction (say to towards Sol). Now start moving at 1c. Once you are on your way, select Earth and hit "c" to centre. You will now be moving in one direction while looking in another.

Using keyboard commands, there is no real way to "control" the camera orientation other than by looking at objects. It is possible with CELX scripts where you have complete control over the camera orientation.
Clive Pottinger
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Post #5by ElChristou » 19.07.2005, 15:55

mmmh... I don't get the point...

When I'm moving in one direction without selected object at x speed, I can look where I want using the mouse... it's only when changing the speed that my direction will also change depending of the center of the screen (where I am looking at).

Ex: when moving at 20 ly/s, first the stars will "scroll" front to back, but if I look to the right at 90?°, stars will be scrolling left to right... now if I change the speed at this moment, it will also be a direction change of 90?° (with stars scrolling once more front to back)

When and object is selected (ex. Follow Earth), and I am pointing at it with a speed x, I can also use the alt-click to look it from wathever angle staying in the same direction...

Now if you want to look a target and then want to go to other direction without changing your point of view (target), this seems impossible...

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Post #6by BlindedByTheLight » 19.07.2005, 20:24

ElChristou wrote:mmmh... I don't get the point...

When I'm moving in one direction without selected object at x speed, I can look where I want using the mouse... it's only when changing the speed that my direction will also change depending of the center of the screen (where I am looking at).

Ex: when moving at 20 ly/s, first the stars will "scroll" front to back, but if I look to the right at 90?°, stars will be scrolling left to right... now if I change the speed at this moment, it will also be a direction change of 90?° (with stars scrolling once more front to back)

When and object is selected (ex. Follow Earth), and I am pointing at it with a speed x, I can also use the alt-click to look it from wathever angle staying in the same direction...

Now if you want to look a target and then want to go to other direction without changing your point of view (target), this seems impossible...

Yes, El Christou - that is how my targeting works as well - sometimes. I does not seem to be consistent. SOMETIMES I can change the direction of my view with the mouse - but SOMETIMES changing the view causes me to reset to movement in that direction. Is this a bug? Has anyone else noticed that? I'm on Mac OS, if the makes a difference (which it usually doesn't)

The other thing that will "reset" my movement in the direction I am facing (as your "change the speed at this moment" does) - is using the keyboard or keypad to change how I look.

What would be great is if one COULD change the direction of view - separate from movement. Perhaps the keypad controls direction of movement - and the mouse controls direction of view - just like a video game. Seems like a basic tool for POV simulations like this...

Any coders out there wanna take a stab? :)
Steven Binder, Mac OS X 10.4.10

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Post #7by ElChristou » 19.07.2005, 20:52

BlindedByTheLight wrote:... SOMETIMES I can change the direction of my view with the mouse - but SOMETIMES changing the view causes me to reset to movement in that direction. Is this a bug? Has anyone else noticed that? I'm on Mac OS, if the makes a difference (which it usually doesn't)

The other thing that will "reset" my movement in the direction I am facing (as your "change the speed at this moment" does) - is using the keyboard or keypad to change how I look...

Personally I never met this problem...
For the keyboard I cannot say as I'am a powerbook user...
Are you using one of your builds? (normally this won't change anything, but I will test, just in case)

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Post #8by BlindedByTheLight » 19.07.2005, 21:21

It's all builds. On a powerbook you wouldn't encounter it. But when I'm flying over the earth, i would be nice to be able to look down while I changed my motion or speed - without having to worry that each change will cause me to start moving in the direction I'm looking...
Steven Binder, Mac OS X 10.4.10

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Post #9by ElChristou » 19.07.2005, 21:30

Yes it would be cool, but this seems to be a "big coding"... perhaps later...

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Post #10by BlindedByTheLight » 19.07.2005, 21:36

Could be big, hard for me to tell - I have zero coding ability. But since the program has this ability in varying degrees already, it doesn't seem more complicated than tweaking the code that governs speed keyboard inputting and disabling its "reorientation" of the direction of travel everytime a change is made...

Or easier said than done? :)
Steven Binder, Mac OS X 10.4.10

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