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Welcome to the "Dear Don... Please Don't Go" Poll

Posted: 15.07.2005, 02:11
by BlindedByTheLight
If you're here, you've probably seen this:

So I guess we either let it happen without voicing our... voices (and be the non-partipicating observers Don says we are) or we make our voices heard!

Tag, you're it.

Posted: 15.07.2005, 02:25
by Cham
Huh!? What's the point ??

Posted: 15.07.2005, 02:55
by BlindedByTheLight
Well, Cham... that was my first instinct, too, truth be told - especially given what at first seemed like a pouty, childish attitude that wasn't worth my time.

But my SECOND instinct was that Don HAS done a lot for the community and it would be a loss for the community if he were to go. More importantly, if all he wanted was some appreciation for his work and a pat on the back... well, easy enough given - either as a parting thank you for all his work or perhaps, to let him know that his work IS appreciated, even if it isn't shown in a way that is apparent to him.

To answer your question more directly, no point, really... other than to make nice-nice with a clearly saddened and unhappy stranger whose work I have enjoyed.


Posted: 15.07.2005, 05:39
by Tech Sgt. Chen
Cham wrote:
Huh!? What's the point ??

The point is mutual respect. Treat everyone in the same manner that you yourself would like to be treated. Regardless of how they treat you. I don't want to see Don go anymore than I'd want to see you go!
Don has contributed greatly to Celestia (as I know you have) but, there's more to it than that. If Don needs input to feel appreciated, than I'll give it to him. Why would anyone not want to support another forum member. I think all of us are a pretty unique bunch with a common bond called Celestia and a common interest in Astronomy. Don deserves the support (I believe Blinded By The Light agrees - that's why he started this post) and we SHOULD all give it to him. We are, all of us, only human! :wink:

Posted: 15.07.2005, 09:27
My humble opinion is that Don is right.
I mean that if Don (and many other people that have the skill, the will, and can find the time to make such wonderful things spreaded all over in Celestis forums) asks for help, or comments, or whatever from us, we MUST give him/them such a kind of help, and mainly who, like me, is unable to produce anything for the community.
I should be more "partecipating" to the effort given by them, at least clapping if I appreciate their work, or giving my negative opinion (if any) explaining the reasons why.
Don is right on this.
But Don should too think that for most of Celestians Celestia is an hobby, not a way of life, that takes its time (long, short, very short) depending on our own needs and feeling, so may be that something more important and time needing keeps our attention and doen't leave time for hobbies.
Moreover from some months, after Chris's stopped working on Celestia, we had a noteworth reduction of interest and participation, and moreover it's holiday's time, etc. etc.
There are a lot of reasons that can explain the reducted partecipation to posts.
I'm sure that, with Chris coming back to Celestia, things will change.
So, Don, please, give us the possibility to show you our appreciation for your work, and stay here for a while.
I'm sure we'll make you change your opinion. :wink:

Andrea :D

Posted: 15.07.2005, 22:27
by Spaceman Spiff
Well, even polls don't attract much feedback these days... 14 so far in this one. I voted for the 'Please don't go, Don!' option, but I would qualify that as 'Please don't go permanently, Don!'. As Don did say he'll look in from time to time, then I'm happy that he isn't making a permanent break, and we have a chance to regain his interest.

If Don wishes to have a break, then I think he can, and not feel 'obliged' to deliver even 'promised' textures. He's reliquished copyright - anyone could take them over if they think they could do better.

And why not have a break? People are free to come, free to go. I myself disappear from the forum for several months and then make a few posts for a week or two, depending on workload.

I try not to expect anything from Celestia or the forum, especially as I'm not paying for it. Perhaps there's an issue about people not paying respect either, but my experience with the internet is that it is not wise to expect respect over the internet. My only add-on (Fudge) and the only picture I submitted (to the Jun screenshot contest) attracted none of the positive comments I hoped for at all. I find that when it comes to feedback, for the internet, one can only hope, not expect. If one is disappointed, take a break.


Posted: 15.07.2005, 23:32
by BlindedByTheLight
Spaceman Spiff wrote:If Don wishes to have a break, then I think he can, and not feel 'obliged' to deliver even 'promised' textures. He's reliquished copyright - anyone could take them over if they think they could do better.

And why not have a break? People are free to come, free to go. I myself disappear from the forum for several months and then make a few posts for a week or two, depending on workload.

I think you are exactly right. But what is different here is, rather than just fading away, Don has made several very public declarations of his depature which, to me indicates there is something more than just "needing a break" going on. Of course, as you noted, WHATEVER is going on is his right.

As for expectations, well, I agree with you again...

but my experience with the internet is that it is not wise to expect respect over the internet.

Yes, it is not wise to expect respect over the internet. Mostly because of the nature of internet communications - it's just not in the grammer. I mean, I try to say thank you when people post answers to my question - but sometimes I feel bad doing so (in that they are going to get an e-mail, are going to have to log into the forum - just to HEAR a thank you when, of course, they must know I am feeling gratitude).

So feedback and courtesy is a different beast over the internet. To which I would add - when "giving" to someone, if a person is only giving to "get" something back, that person is setting themselves up for trouble.

I give because I like to give. I share because I like to share. The act in and of itself is its reward. I am not expecting something in return - nor are my gifts conditional on getting anything in return (and that includes even a thank you). If I DO get something in return... well, that's gravy.

Without knowing Don, I get the impression that his gifts - as generous as they have been - were clearly given with an expectation of something in return. When that expectation was not made, there was conflict. Again, it's his right to have whatever expectations he chooses to. Unfortunately, he appears to be suffering for that choice. And now, so will the rest of us in his absence.

Posted: 16.07.2005, 02:21
by ElChristou
BlindedByTheLight wrote:...I give because I like to give. I share because I like to share. The act in and of itself is its reward. I am not expecting something in return...

It's also my point of view...

Posted: 16.07.2005, 05:05
by Rassilon
One thing I do notice about getting a response in forums is you state your leaving as one final most respects you will be guaranteed a response....The satisfaction of the response is then fullfilled and you then will generally feel ashamed/amused and/or stupid for thinking that way in the first place....Ive been there...

Now if we get down to the mathematics of responses....I did a search of Dons past threads and countless responses I did see.....It seems we will outweigh the past with the present....forget the status we earned though countless appreciated efforts with a few disspointing ones....

Hell I even looked back at some of mine....And Fridgers.....And Grants.....

I really think that there are going to be some here that absolutely refuse to comment on things....some that will not provide good feedback...some that just plain hate everything....some that think that everything you do is perfect....some that give super feedback and help you progress....and some that just dont know what to say because they are simply stunned by the amazing artistry....

I think its a matter of not being able to SEE ones reaction....And also the desire to construct a post about it....words are fleeting....I produce better speeches when I write things down than if I speak it....Although my mind will race faster than my fingers type....and some thoughts will fly by forgotten in legend....

The point is sometimes it takes more effort to post a response than to just simply stare in wonder at beautiful work....I do it alot with Runars stuff ;)

Posted: 24.07.2005, 22:42
by ziggy
Apathetic- a token vote to show that you can be apathetic but still just about be motivated enough. Just the one thing though, why the big production about someone going (again)? You don't have to get the removal guys in or anything, why not go, or stay, or lurk, or come back , whatever , the same as a lot of others. oh well, " Farwell " then....

Posted: 27.07.2005, 23:09
by bh
Let him go...he'll come back I'm sure might me. He do not need this pressure.

Good luck Don me old 'Earth Water Wizard'! ( Remember that?) ...God I was green in them days.

Glad you're still here Rass you old git!

Posted: 29.07.2005, 01:25
by bdm
Please don't go.
The drones need you.
They look up to you.

Don may just want to take a break. If Don wants to take time off for a break then let him; but I hope he returns. I have not been an active part of the Celestia community for long, but already I know the deep appreciation that others have for Don's work. I hope that I am given the opportunity to gain the same level of appreciation.

Posted: 29.07.2005, 02:56
by Don. Edwards
Somebody please close this thing. I feel all warn and fussy inside.
I have chosen to stay in a somewhat limited form and stick things out. I am going to stick to doing textures and add-ons only for the time being. I may answer tech questions if no one else can answer. Everyones support hos gone a long way in helping me through a tough stretch. At least I feel I can breath again. I guess the rest will fall in place in time as it always seems to do, at least I hope so. There may be times when you don't here from me for a while. That shouldn't mean anything except I have taken a break or got a job and my time is short.
Thanks again for all the kind thoughts.
Now lets get on with Celestia.


Posted: 29.07.2005, 09:38
by Michael Kilderry
Don. Edwards wrote:I feel all warn and fussy inside.

Isn't the saying "warm and fuzzy inside"?

Glad you're not going permanently. :)

- Michael

Posted: 29.07.2005, 22:28
by Don. Edwards
Yes it should have been FUZZY. Darm Ms Word. You would think it would be smart enough to catch that.


Posted: 30.07.2005, 09:55
by Spaceman Spiff
But 'warn' and 'fussy' are correctly spelt words too!


Posted: 30.07.2005, 10:33
by Michael Kilderry
Don. Edwards wrote:Darm Ms Word.

Looks like MsWord's failed again! :x

Spaceman Spiff wrote:But 'warn' and 'fussy' are correctly spelt words too!

That would be why the program didn't pick up on it.

- Michael