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Graphics Cards are confusing Rocket Man.

Posted: 14.07.2005, 19:43
by Rocket Man
On my Dad's computer, it has a ATI 7500 card. I check out it's OpenGL capabilties. I found some useful ones like bump-mapping and all that. So I flip through the renderings to OpenGL vertex but It doesn't have it.

Whats up here? How can Celestia tell the About-> OpenGL Info without a OpenGL Vertex program? :?


Posted: 14.07.2005, 21:01
by selden
Celestia uses the OpenGL vertex routines for specular reflections and bumpmaps. If your card and its drivers don't support them, then you won't see highlights on the oceans or shadows on the sides of mountains. Most other things will work, though.

Does this clarify things a little?

Posted: 14.07.2005, 21:10
by Rocket Man
Oh I see now,

So the OpenGL vertex program render option from the ctrl-v is for spec and bump.
