Question for anyone who can help.
Posted: 28.06.2005, 04:43
I went to a site with Star Trek 3ds files and downloaded
But the mesh was messed up.
I fixed the mesh with Anim8tor to the point of
it being acceptable. Afterward, I assigned
textures to the model and saved as a 3ds
file using the export option.
Now when I open Celestia, the mesh looks great,
but I dont see any textures.
What happened?
Get the mesh and my modifications here ...
Jestr said in another thread...
I want to know if this is the solution.
If it is, how do I do that and what do I use?
Thanks alot people.
I went to a site with Star Trek 3ds files and downloaded

But the mesh was messed up.
I fixed the mesh with Anim8tor to the point of
it being acceptable. Afterward, I assigned
textures to the model and saved as a 3ds
file using the export option.
Now when I open Celestia, the mesh looks great,
but I dont see any textures.
What happened?
Get the mesh and my modifications here ...
Jestr said in another thread...
a lot of meshes available to download are made for rendering space scenes in modelling software and are usually made up of many sub-objects (each with their respective textures).Celestia however requires that each object can have only one texture,so the answer is you must split all of the sub-objects off as individual-objects and reassign the textures.Other times the textures applied might use different masks,bump maps,opacity,illumination maps which work great in the modelling software but not unfortunately in Celestia.I will take a look at it over the next few days
I want to know if this is the solution.
If it is, how do I do that and what do I use?
Thanks alot people.