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Question for anyone who can help.

Posted: 28.06.2005, 04:43
by TourqeGlare
I went to a site with Star Trek 3ds files and downloaded

But the mesh was messed up.
I fixed the mesh with Anim8tor to the point of
it being acceptable. Afterward, I assigned
textures to the model and saved as a 3ds
file using the export option.
Now when I open Celestia, the mesh looks great,
but I dont see any textures.
What happened?

Get the mesh and my modifications here ...

Jestr said in another thread...
a lot of meshes available to download are made for rendering space scenes in modelling software and are usually made up of many sub-objects (each with their respective textures).Celestia however requires that each object can have only one texture,so the answer is you must split all of the sub-objects off as individual-objects and reassign the textures.Other times the textures applied might use different masks,bump maps,opacity,illumination maps which work great in the modelling software but not unfortunately in Celestia.I will take a look at it over the next few days

I want to know if this is the solution.
If it is, how do I do that and what do I use?

Thanks alot people. :)

Star Trek Folder

Posted: 28.06.2005, 08:48
by Tech Sgt. Chen
Ok, I'm assuming you placed the textures in a folder and created a file (SSC) I think, that associates the textures with the 3ds.

Posted: 28.06.2005, 09:11
by t00fri
I would appreciate if you could reduce the SIZE of your huge deviantART logo by at least a factor of TWO (or skip it entirely...)


Bye Fridger

Posted: 28.06.2005, 10:16
by selden
Now when I open Celestia, the mesh looks great,
but I dont see any textures.
What happened?

The textures all are the wrong sizes: 47x295, 365x474, etc. Celestia and all current graphics hardware require that they be a power of two on a side: 256x256, 128x512, etc. Software renderers can use other sizes, but hardware can't.

Also, there are still some big gaping holes on the underside of the model. The topside looks reasonably good, though.

Posted: 28.06.2005, 16:14
by TourqeGlare
Tech Sgt. Chen: Always. Its the first thing I
do when putting a "strange" 3ds in Celestia.

t00fri: sure. Its going down by 50%
If that doesn't work, Ill get rid of it.
Im sorry to say, but Ill do it when the site is
faster. Its sllllllloooooooooowww now. :lol:

seldon: Thanks. The texture idea never occurred to me.
Ill mess with the model too.

To all 3:I hope I spelled your names right. :( :lol:

Posted: 28.06.2005, 17:53
by TourqeGlare
That worked (almost) perfictly!

I have minor minor mesh problems,
but its really good!

Thanks all! :D