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PrecessionRate 3.824617e-005 # Degrees per Day. Precession period: 25,770.59 years.
If you trust Wikipedia ( on the matter, then (for Epoch 2000.0):
- Tropical year = 365.242 189 67 days.
- Sidereal year = 365.256 363 051 days.
The precession period is found by:
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P_prec = 1 / ( 1 - ( Y_tropical / Y_sidereal ) )
which gives 25,770.59 years, and the number to put in Celestia is converted to degrees per day:
gives 3.824617e-005.
chaos syndrome wrote:I think there's a reason about orbits being referenced to the equatorial plane of the parent body and precession messing this up, which is why precession hasn't been implemented for Earth yet.
At first, I wondered if you are thinking of the reference of orbits and general co-ordinates in
real astronomy, where the R.A. and Dec are referred off the first point of Aries, which drifts westwards along the ecliptic every 26,000 years...? This won't apply in Celestia as it's X, Y, Z reference frame is perpetually fixed to epoch 2000.0.
Now I think you mean that satellite orbits would precess with the parent body. In case people think this is a reason to defer precession, I can tell you this isn't a problem!
1. the Earth's moon's orbit is part of VSOP-87, so isn't affected by this,
2. precession of satellite orbits with the parent planet is what happens in real life anyway! Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn all precess, yet their regular satellite orbits and rings are obviously tracking the equatorial planes!
I inserted the above precession rate into my Earth SSC and went back to 21 Mar 2001 B.C (-2000 03 21), and I see no disruption to the orbits (that I can tell, because the celestial grid is aligned to the Earth at Epoch 2000.0 and
won't precess, because Celestia happens to be designed to assume it's fixed to the general X, Y, Z reference frame...). Instead I can see:
1. the Earth's axis is 'twisted' w.r.t. this grid,
2. the Sun is at about 2.2 hours R.A. and +15?° Dec. (Epoch 2000.0) so the First Point of Aries does indeed seem to have drifted along the ecliptic well into Aries,
both of which are much as I'd expected.
I'd say it 'works' and is worth a try.
The reason Celestia doesn't do the Stonehenge part properly without precession is, I suspect, because the Earth's orbital period is defined as one tropical year, and that
is based on precession. You can't redefine the orbital period to sidereal unless you abandon VSOP-87, and if you try and fudge the Earth's rotation period to be 1/26,000 shorter, then solar eclipses will start to happen at the wrong places on Earth at times far from 2,000 A.D. The correct way should be to set the precession rate as above.