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Slow forum...

Posted: 30.05.2005, 20:13
by ElChristou
The forum is really slow... Is it a problem of mine?

Posted: 30.05.2005, 20:30
by maxim

But it seems to become a bit faster again...


Posted: 30.05.2005, 20:40
by PlutonianEmpire
It's not just you. I'm having the same problem, and I think everyone else is too.

Posted: 30.05.2005, 20:52
by t00fri
I exchanged emails with Chris ~8 hours ago, also about the "frozen" forum. Since he wrote ~4 hours ago that he was looking into it NOW, there might be something more serious wrong with it: the forum is still /unusably/ slow 4 hours later...

Bye Fridger

Posted: 30.05.2005, 20:58
by ElChristou
Tx guys... I hope it will be better tomorrow...


Posted: 31.05.2005, 09:22
by Michael Kilderry
Me too :)

Michael :)

Posted: 31.05.2005, 13:42
by Dollan
The best cure for a slow, slow forum.... multitask!

I usually open another window and work on whatever other tasks I want to accomplish for the day, while the forum is loading up in the first window. Of course it takes me even longer to go through the forum than it would even with its chronic slowness, simply because I tend to concentrate more on the fast window. But at least this way I don't sit here, tapping on the computer desk, cursing and ranting! **chuckles**


Posted: 01.06.2005, 21:51
The date is 1st June 2005
The time here is nearly 11:00 pm BST...
.....I don't know if it's my imagination or not - but can it be that the forum is finally starting to speed up again ? :)

Posted: 02.06.2005, 00:09
by ElChristou
3 hours ago it was complitely down for me... :evil:


Posted: 02.06.2005, 01:44
by John Van Vliet
still slow
maby befor 1:00 am EST i can run sam spade on the fourm and see if it is just very hi trafic on the server or in the servier that is one out

Posted: 02.06.2005, 18:09
The date is 2nd June
The time is around 19:00 hours BST

:x Arrrgggghhhhh! It appears my speeding-up forum was but a small respite from what seems to be normal here nowadays.
Boy is it slooooowwwww tonight.

Got to watch out that I don't double's taking so long for anything to happen after pressing the submit button I'm forgetting that I've pressed it :roll:

If the problem persists or gets worse, have we got an alternative ?
I thought the motherlode forum worked well when we used it last time we had a big problem here.

Posted: 02.06.2005, 19:14
by Cham
It's painfully slow to me too. This is a shame and it's happening much too often here. Maybe we should reactivate the forum on the Motherlode again. Geez, what is Chris doing ?

Posted: 02.06.2005, 19:35
Dollan wrote:The best cure for a slow, slow forum.... multitask!...........
...........But at least this way I don't sit here, tapping on the computer desk, cursing and ranting! **chuckles**


I wrote: :x AAAArrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh!"

Sorry John, I lost it there for a moment........believe me I am multitasking, it's just that I'm running out of tasks, and for another matter, any that take long enough.

But I've decided the best cure is to "run" a Marathon. :lol:

Posted: 02.06.2005, 19:56
by maxim
Just a suggestion:

IF the network and the internet access is working well, AND the host machine has not load problems, it MAY be time for an administrative optimization of the underlying SQL database tables.


Posted: 02.06.2005, 20:11
by ElChristou
TERRIER's just that I'm running out of tasks, and for another matter, any that take long enough...

You want something to do? :wink:

Posted: 02.06.2005, 20:31
by t00fri
I tried to communicate with Chris about the dead-slow performance. After resending my mail :cry:, here is what he wrote this morning:

Chris wrote:Hardware is fine, and doesn't appear to have been hacked or anything. As far as I can tell, the slowness is due entirely to http traffic (supporting this, if I disable the web server, my home connection becomes dramatically faster.) If you're curious about what generates all
the http traffic, have a look at this:


Curiously, those statstics don't show a big spike in traffic lately. I'm going to contact my ISP to see if something is wrong on their side.


For me it's virtually unusable. Since I don't have time to vaste, I shall essentially suspend my presence in the forum until Chris has found a way out.

Bye Fridger

Posted: 02.06.2005, 20:48
by ElChristou
t00fri wrote:...For me it's virtually unusable. Since I don't have time to vaste, I shall essentially suspend my presence in the forum until Chris has found a way out...

I agree and I will do the same as this is really boring...

Posted: 02.06.2005, 21:14
by PlutonianEmpire
t00fri wrote:I tried to communicate with Chris about the dead-slow performance. After resending my mail :cry:, here is what he wrote this morning:

Chris wrote:Hardware is fine, and doesn't appear to have been hacked or anything. As far as I can tell, the slowness is due entirely to http traffic (supporting this, if I disable the web server, my home connection becomes dramatically faster.) If you're curious about what generates all
the http traffic, have a look at this:


Curiously, those statstics don't show a big spike in traffic lately. I'm going to contact my ISP to see if something is wrong on their side.


For me it's virtually unusable. Since I don't have time to vaste, I shall essentially suspend my presence in the forum until Chris has found a way out.

Bye Fridger

Slow or not, I'm still gonna use this forum, even if it takes a whole day for a page to load. :D

Posted: 02.06.2005, 21:30
by maxim
Chris wrote:Hardware is fine, and doesn't appear to have been hacked or anything. As far as I can tell, the slowness is due entirely to http traffic (supporting this, if I disable the web server, my home connection becomes dramatically faster.) If you're curious about what generates all
the http traffic, have a look at this:


Curiously, those statstics don't show a big spike in traffic lately. I'm going to contact my ISP to see if something is wrong on their side.


This even more indicates a performance (and hence optimization) leak of the unterlying database.


Posted: 03.06.2005, 00:39
by ElChristou
maxim wrote:...This even more indicates a performance (and hence optimization) leak of the unterlying database...

There is a cure doctor?