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Biggest star, Brighest Star Tell me PLease

Posted: 22.04.2005, 19:24
by Predator2354
Can anyone tell me what the biggest star in celestia is, using the 2 million star addon? The biggest i foudn was the garnet star. Is there anything bigger? Also the brighest star? If anyone knows that would be cool. Whats the biggest star you found?

Posted: 23.04.2005, 03:17
by PlutonianEmpire
The biggest known star, although not in the 2 million star addon, is LBV 1806-20, as far as I know, but there's speculation as to wether or not it's actually two stars rather than one big super-star.

Posted: 23.04.2005, 05:10
by Michael Kilderry
It has been discussed in another thread that the star with the highest absolute magnitude (the brightest) is the Pistol Star, a huge star near the center of the Milky Way.

Michael :)

Posted: 23.04.2005, 05:20
by PlutonianEmpire
Michael Kilderry wrote:It has been discussed in another thread that the star with the highest absolute magnitude (the brightest) is the Pistol Star, a huge star near the center of the Milky Way.

Michael :)

The pistol star? is that the same star as eta carinae?

Posted: 23.04.2005, 07:24
by Brendan
Here is a list of the brightest stars that have been found in this galaxy.