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Lovely Andromeda Raising on Mars...

Posted: 03.04.2005, 19:19
by t00fri
Hi all,

while testing my new 32k (gigantic) texture tiles for Mars, I
happened to "come across" this lovely scene: M31 (Andromeda
galaxy) raising on Mars...


Bye Fridger


Posted: 03.04.2005, 20:50
by t00fri
... and a little more of this ;-)


Bye Fridger

Posted: 03.04.2005, 21:23
by t00fri
Ahem, Springtime in the Universe ;-)


Bye Fridger

Posted: 03.04.2005, 22:19
by ajtribick
That first image you posted is spectacular. Not to say the others don't have their merits but the first one stands out.

Posted: 04.04.2005, 03:49
by Michael Kilderry
Yeah, the first one looks great. You should enter it in the April 2005 Screenshot Competition (the March 2005 one is closed) as the April one has been getting little attention.

Michael Kilderry :)

Posted: 04.04.2005, 17:03
by ElPelado
Oh My God!
That looks spectacular!
Very lucky, you are...

Posted: 04.04.2005, 19:50
by ElChristou
t00fri wrote:Ahem, Springtime in the Universe ;-)

I love this one... and this one yes, you really have to post it in the screenshot contest :wink:

by the way have you noticed the smile face in the crater in the first image?

Posted: 04.04.2005, 20:07
by t00fri
ElChristou wrote:
t00fri wrote:Ahem, Springtime in the Universe ;-)

I love this one... and this one yes, you really have to post it in the screenshot contest :wink:

by the way have you noticed the smile face in the crater in the first image?

I thought you might like that one ;-) ...

NO, I am not in favor of the image contest for a variety of
reasons. For one, I also deeply oppose books being judged
at by anonymous illiterates ;-)

Of course that "smiling crater" is long known to me and with
my 32k monster tiles is about 40cm (!) in diameter on my
1600x1200 screen...

Bye Fridger

Posted: 04.04.2005, 20:23
by ElChristou
t00fri wrote:NO, I am not in favor of the image contest for a variety of
reasons. For one, I also deeply oppose books being judged
at by anonymous illiterates

It was just a "clin d'oeil" to the Michael post cause I was quite sure of your opinion on the contest...

To my opinion, the shots contest is not really negative, just another way to communicate, I really don't take it seriously...

Posted: 04.04.2005, 20:32
by t00fri
ElChristou wrote:
t00fri wrote:NO, I am not in favor of the image contest for a variety of
reasons. For one, I also deeply oppose books being judged
at by anonymous illiterates

It was just a "clin d'oeil" to the Michael post cause I was quite sure of your opinion on the contest...

To my opinion, the shots contest is not really negative, just another way to communicate, I really don't take it seriously...


indeed, I seem to remember that we exchanged some views about this in PM's (with reference to refereeing add-ons at the MotherLode...)

Bye Fridger


Posted: 07.04.2005, 03:49
by chrisr
t00fri, very cool pics but of course these are not very realistic. You could never see andromeda with such a bright planet before you