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Suggestion: require registration to post

Posted: 02.02.2005, 18:48
by Evil Dr Ganymede
This stuff is hard to get rid of... unfortunately spammers have taken to spamming message boards now. The only way to stop it is for someone to delete the messages wherever they show up, implement IP bans on the posters (which may end up preventing other legitimate posters from posting), or to prevent anyone from using Guest accounts.

Posted: 02.02.2005, 19:01
by Sky Pilot
This board uses the same phpbb software that I use on another board that I own. On my other board, I allow guests to read, but not to post. I think shatters should turn off guest posting.

Posted: 02.02.2005, 20:32
by Cham
Sky Pilot wrote:This board uses the same phpbb software that I use on another board that I own. On my other board, I allow guests to read, but not to post. I think shatters should turn off guest posting.

I agree with this. On most boards I visited, only registered users can post a message. The Celestia forum should make this change.

Posted: 02.02.2005, 20:44
by Sky Pilot
So who has control over that?

Posted: 02.02.2005, 20:49
by Cham
Chris, please ?

Posted: 02.02.2005, 20:49
by Evil Dr Ganymede
Selden's the moderator, but I don't know if he has control over that aspect of the board - it might be only Chris who can do that. Might be best to send a PM to Chris to request this change...

(would also be useful because then we won't have loads of otherwise identical anonymous guests who don't leave their names asking questions...)

Posted: 02.02.2005, 21:03
by bh
Anyone clicked on the link? Any good?

Posted: 02.02.2005, 22:09
by t00fri
Evil Dr Ganymede wrote:Selden's the moderator, but I don't know if he has control over that aspect of the board - it might be only Chris who can do that. Might be best to send a PM to Chris to request this change...

(would also be useful because then we won't have loads of otherwise identical anonymous guests who don't leave their names asking questions...)

For a change, that would be an action that I can wholeheartedly support!

The registration allows people to remain completely anonymous. So there are no worries here. I also don't see why we should spend hours to look for people's bugs in their installations while they are too lazy to take a minute or two for registering. Also extended posting dialogs with several anonymous "cyber robots" at once are a pain in the neck...

Bye Fridger

Posted: 02.02.2005, 22:24
by selden
I deleted the pr0n posting and changed the thread title.

So far as I know, only Chris can change the posting login requirements.

Posted: 02.02.2005, 23:31
by Evil Dr Ganymede
selden wrote:I deleted the pr0n posting and changed the thread title.

So far as I know, only Chris can change the posting login requirements.

Any chance that we could impress upon him our desire to change those requirements? ;)

Posted: 03.02.2005, 00:48
by Michael Kilderry
I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with this, I think banning guest posts so people have to register to say something may put people off the forum, after all, I started off a a guest poster. :wink:

On the upside of this change, there will no longer be messages posted by someone who forgot to log in and then an additonal post just to say it was from them, I know they don't mean to annoy, but this drives me crazy sometimes.

Michael Kilderry :)

Posted: 04.02.2005, 19:40
by ajtribick
Michael Kilderry wrote:I'm afrais I'll have to disagree with this, I think banning guest posts so people have to register to say something may put people off the forum, after all, I started off a a guest poster. :wink:

I've been on several forums/communities where registration was mandatory - there didn't seem to be a problem with people coming in. And what with this "Porn Bus" spam I think it would improve the forum image. As I write this two of the main forums have this spam as the most recent post - projects a good image of Celestia doesn't it?

So I am definitely pro-mandatory registration.

Posted: 04.02.2005, 19:53
by Evil Dr Ganymede
Michael Kilderry wrote:I'm afrais I'll have to disagree with this, I think banning guest posts so people have to register to say something may put people off the forum, after all, I started off a a guest poster. :wink:

I think that if you feel you have something important enough to ask about or say and you're a first-time poster, then you can darn well register and say it :).

I'm on several other forums that do not allow guest posting, and they don't lack for new users. There really isn't a need for guest posting on any forum at all really, unless anonymity is absolutely essential for the post.

Posted: 04.02.2005, 19:57
by Sky Pilot
So, is Chris even around here any more? Is he aware of the problem?

Posted: 04.02.2005, 19:59
by Evil Dr Ganymede
Sky Pilot wrote:So, is Chris even around here any more? Is he aware of the problem?

I must admit, I've not seen him for a while... I don't even know if he cares about forum problems really. But it's becoming clear that we need to have admins and mods who are able to respond quickly to problems on the forum.

Posted: 04.02.2005, 20:03
by Sky Pilot
I'd be very happy to volunteer to help administer the boards. This is the same bb software I use on another forum that I run, so I'm very familiar with how to administer it.

Posted: 04.02.2005, 23:33
by Dollan
You all realize, of course, that spammers can register, and though it isn't common, they *do* register just to send out their links.

And really, how much spam has hit this place since it opened? I think we're talking about a really low ratio, here. Certainly not enough to panic over.

Frankly, if people would stop responding to threads started by spam, then those threads would dissapear the very next time that you logged in to check messages. Why bother responding? We're talking about 'bots here. The spammers aren't going to check back, read someone's "Please stop!" message, and think to themselves, "Gee, I'd better stop."

Yeah, I know, I'm grumpy tonight.


Posted: 04.02.2005, 23:57
by Evil Dr Ganymede
Dollan wrote:You all realize, of course, that spammers can register, and though it isn't common, they *do* register just to send out their links.

Yes, but if they register it's a lot easier to block them because you can ban the IDs and IP addresses more easily.

And really, how much spam has hit this place since it opened? I think we're talking about a really low ratio, here. Certainly not enough to panic over.

The quantity doesn't really matter, IMO. People come here to read about celestia, not have spam inflicted on them. Any amount of spam greater than zero needs to be stamped out. The alternative would be to just leave it, and before long we'd be overrun by it because the spammers know they can get away with posting.

Posted: 05.02.2005, 00:12
by Michael Kilderry
I can think of another upside concerning needing to register before you can post:

If you made a typo in one of your posts, you can correct it. But if you had the option of being a guest, then you can't edit your post, or delete it. Some people may remain guests a little too long because they don't notice these benefits right away. And needin to register would make it easier for Chris to keep track of everyone.

I've changed my mind on the subject, the forum is growing, and I think we need to make a few changes because of this. I now agree with the registering before posting rule. It's not like it's going to affect me too much, I'm already registered.

Michael Kilderry :)

Posted: 05.02.2005, 03:36
by Evil Dr Ganymede
And now we have more unregistered poster spam, full of ??????s....