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LaGrange points
Posted: 04.07.2002, 19:28
by Size_Mick
Is there anything in orbit at any of the LaGrange points? Just curious. How would one find a point like that in Celestia?
Posted: 04.07.2002, 20:08
by Thilo
make a text search for "LaGrange" either using grep or using a windows own tool in the data files, and look for a keyword and take the name of the object, start celestia, hit "return" key, and enter the name... afterwards click on "G" (if it was selected) and you should move there ;)
Posted: 04.07.2002, 21:13
by Falck
There are several spacecraft at Earth-Sun L1 and L2, sun observation (SOHO and Genesis) and deep space observation (MAP). To my knowledge there are no natural bodies in the Earth-Sun or Earth-Moon Lagrange points, though I believe there are several asteroids about Jupiter's L4 and L5.
Posted: 07.07.2002, 03:50
by Matt McIrvin
Some of the big asteroid data files on Bruckner's site include some of the asteroids known as Trojans, which orbit in two diffuse clouds surrounding the Sun-Jupiter L4 and L5 points. You can see the clouds clearly if you use one of these files and turn on name display.
Posted: 15.07.2002, 22:53
by demon
Telesto & Calypso ( moons #10 & 11 of Saturn ) orbit in the LaGrange points of Tethys ( moon #9 of Saturn ). However while Tethys is in Celestia ... Telesto & Calypso are not.
This is a pity as it would be interesting to visualise these orbits.
Similarly , Dione & Helene share an orbit of Saturn with Helene in Dione's LaGrange point.
Posted: 16.07.2002, 00:58
by Malcolm
>while Tethys is in Celestia ... Telesto & Calypso are not.
They are !
Celestia main site > Add-ons > Minor Moons of the Giant Planets
Have fun.